约翰 汤普森简易钢琴教程第一册 把我带回弗吉尼故乡的英文怎么唱

Carry me back to old viginny.There's where the cotton and the corn and'tatoes grow ,there' where the birds warble sweet in the spring time ,there's where the old weary heart am longed to go.(请把我带回弗吉尼故乡,那里的棉花,土豆,小麦堆满仓,那里的小鸟再春天里唱歌,老人的心中在时刻向往)

Carry me back to old viginny.There's where the cotton and the corn and'tatoes grow ,there' where the birds warble sweet in the spring time ,there's where the old weary heart am longed to go


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