
1977年恢复高考以来我国中小学英语课程发展大体可以分成三个阶段: 1977年之1990年; 1988年至2000年;2000年至今前两个阶段称为教学大纲,第三阶段称为课程标准。

这一阶段的中学英语教学大纲虽然不断调整修订,但却是建国以后第一个自始至终完整实施了的大纲,结束的时间是1990年秋,直到最后一批使用根据该大纲编写的高三课本的学生毕业。第一阶段的大纲修订和第二阶段的大纲编订时间上有一段并行重叠的时期。1988年九年义务教育初中英语大纲的编制工作起步于1986年, 第二阶段的初、高中大纲的研制工作到2000年才结束。
3)强调外语教学的实践性,提出了“精讲语言基础知识,着重培养学生运用语言进行交际的能力”。 “听说读写综合训练,阶段侧重”、“尽量使用英语,适当利用母语”、“发挥教师的主导作用,调动学生的积极性”,并要求“指导学生开展课外活动”。

2000年全日制普通高级中学英语教学大纲(试用修订版)(与1996年大纲规定相同)。这个阶段中共颁发了5 个大纲:

My oral English topic---Communication
2007-07-07 16:02:43 本文已公布到博客频道文化·原创分类
As we all know, nowadays,communication palys a very important role in our life.No matter in the social activities or in the daily life,communication has become very essential for both of them.Therefore,it’s quite necessary for us to learn how to communicate with others.And next I will show you 4 different ways of communication.

The first one is communicating by letters,maybe some of you will think it takes us too much time to write a letter,so does the receiver wait for a long time to get it.But in some social circumstances, using letters to contact with others is much more formal,it shows the sender’s honer and respects.Also,it’s good for a company to send out brochures and other publicities attached to the letter.

The second one is a very popular communicating way in the modern life,it’s email,which has taken over as the main method of communication due to its fastness and cheap cost.More and more people use it as a communicating tool.

The third one is telephoning,you can call someone whenever and wherever you are.How convenient it is and now it’s still the most effective way of communicating after the face-to-face contact.So the number of people who use it is quite a larger one.

And the last but not the least one is QQ which was first used several years ago.It provides us a new way for contacting.QQ is widely welcomed by the youths.It is easy to use,you can chat with your friends in any different places all over the world.You just need a computer which is connected to the network and that’s enough..

A friend in need in a friend indeed,so I will try my best to keep in touch with my old friends in other cities.Since entering the college last year,I have made many new friends,but I have never forgotten my old classmates even a moment.Generally speaking, I always keep in touch with them by QQ or email.As more and more students own their own computer,we now all use QQ to chat with each other.

There are so many different choices for you to choose,it depends what you need.For me,I use QQ and email to keep in touch with my friends,and when I want hear their voice I use telephoing,sometimes when I am free,I even use letters.Different ways of communication make me feel easy,convenient and comfortable to contact with others.
Hi, everyone!

Do you know the programme Dialogue in CCTV9?

I have been listening to it everyday. But I still can't catch all the meanings by now. I wonder whether anybody would like to join me to listen together? So we can communicate the daily topics. Maybe it's a good idea for improving our listening comprehension.

Dear 斑竹,this initiation get your permission :)

汉英对照汉语交际手册 = Chinese-English communication in Chinese

书名:汉英对照汉语交际手册 = Chinese-English communication in Chinese
出版社:北京 : 北京大学出版社
页数和开本:149页 ; 20cm
题名:Chinese-English communication in Chinese

English Communication Homework II Mask
Her house-Night

Jason gets to the door, he see a note in plain view taped on the door, he rips it off.

“im in the shower, the door is open, come inside and wait me a moment”

Jason neatly folds the note up, sticks it in his pocket, and turns the knob.

As he steps inside, hands in pockets ,strolls inside, checking out her private space.

He ,just thinking , hesitating whether he should accept her , a once old friend, strictly speaking, his former fiancée who had been lost contact for almost 8 years.

He is becoming uneasy more and more, it was his conscience, he knows it, he feels guilty, he has his young wife, he has his own life.

But now he is struggling with himself, one side is his impulsion, curiosity ,hungering for her once familiar ,enthusiastic cuddle, and the other side is his wife’s trust, his responsibility .

He sit himself on the chair, forced himself to keep cool, he tell himself “that’s not a good idea, it might be some kind of betrayal, how could I defeats the seducement?! refuse euphemistically?or..?

In the meantime, her bare feet as she walks out of the bathroom, naked with her back to darkness

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