
Father's gift from the movie lines

  • 13031499304 :英语作文带翻译 我的爸爸5句
    甘妹狡2989 :答:我的爸爸英文作文:My father was born on June 1 children's day。Maybe this is why he never grows up。Although he is 35 years old, he still has a sense of mischief and humor like a child。My father ...
  • 13031499304 :爸爸和我的英文怎么写作文
    甘妹狡2989 :答:翻译:我的爸爸我的爸爸是一名办公室职员,他很高,他有着一个圆脸、小鼻子、小耳朵和一张宽大的嘴巴,他最喜欢的衣服是一件黑色的西装,白色的衬衫,黑色的西裤和一双黑色的皮鞋。 我喜欢我的爸爸——纯属个人创作。 3. 我的爸爸 英语...
  • 13031499304 :小鬼当家1里的至少十句台词(英文版)
    甘妹狡2989 :答:1、I wouldn't let you sleep in my room... if you were growing on my ass.2、There! What are we gonna do with him, Harry?3、We'll do exactly what he did to us: we're gonna burn his head with...
  • 13031499304 :"爸爸"的英文口语说法都有什么来着
    甘妹狡2989 :答:Luna Papa 谁来为我摘月亮 ; 月亮情人 ; 月亮爸爸 PAPA RECIPE 春雨面膜 ; 爸爸的礼物 ; 韩国春雨 ; 春雨 Papa Hugs 泰迪熊 双语例句:He was so much older than me, older even than my papa.他比我老那么多,...
  • 13031499304 :我的爸爸是个骗子视频英文台词是什么
    甘妹狡2989 :答:Daddy is the sweetest daddy in the world;爸爸是世界上最好的爸爸;Daddy is the most handsome, the smartest;the most clever, the kindest;爸爸最帅,最机智;最聪明,最善良;He is my superman;他就是我的超人...
  • 13031499304 :你有哪些收藏的英文台词摘抄?
    甘妹狡2989 :答:爸爸病重躺在床上,姐姐晚上去酒吧就为了要两根烟消愁,哥哥因为之前是士兵,现在没有办法工作在家混吃等死,弟弟想要帮忙却最终走向堕落。Edmund: Is he your brother? 那是你的哥哥么?Christl: Who? Jo? No. 谁?Jo...
  • 13031499304 :龙猫经典台词中英文版_龙猫中英文版经典台词
    甘妹狡2989 :答:《龙猫》是由宫崎骏执导的一部动漫电影。看完《龙猫》后,很多朋友都深有感触,想知道一些经典的中英文版台词。下面就让我来为大家盘点龙猫台词中英文版,真的是非常的精彩!希望你喜欢!龙猫 经典台词 中英文版【精选版】...
  • 13031499304 :迪士尼英文电影 经典台词20句 要加中文的翻译 ! 谢谢!
    甘妹狡2989 :答:狮子王 Simba: Dad, dad! Come on, dad, we gotta go, wake up!辛巴:爸爸,爸爸! 来呀,爸爸,我们得走 了,醒醒...          Dad, dad......
  • 13031499304 :我可以给爸爸准备一份特别的礼物用英文回答
    甘妹狡2989 :答:我可以给爸爸准备一份特别的礼物 I can prepare a special gift for my father.我可以给爸爸准备一份特别的礼物 I can prepare a special gift for my father.
  • 13031499304 :我的爸爸收到礼物后很高兴英文
    甘妹狡2989 :答:我的爸爸收到礼物后很高兴 My father was very happy after receiving the gift 重点词汇 爸爸dad; father; daddy; papa; Dada 收到receive; get; obtain 礼物gift; present; giving; tribute 很高兴very glad; very ...
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