
  The Happy Lion

  There was once a very happy lion. His home was not the hot and dangerous plains of Africa where hunters lie in wait with their guns. It was a lovely French town with brown tiled roofs and grey shutters. The happy lion had a house in the town zoo all for himself with a large rock garden surrounded by a moat in the middle of a park with flower beds and a bandstand.
  Early every morning Francois, the keeper's son, stopped on his way to school to say, "Bon Jour happy lion!" In the afternoons Mousieer Dupont, the school master, stopped on his way home to say, "Bon Jour happy lion." In the evening, Madame Passont, who knitted all day on the bench by the bandstand never left without saying, "Aure voir happy lion." On summer Sundays the town band filed into the bandstand to play waltzes and polkas and the happy lion closed his eyes to listen. He loved music. Everyone was his friend and came to say, "Bon Jour," and offer meat and other titbits. He was a happy lion.
  One morning the happy lion found that his keeper had forgotten to close the door of his house. "Hmmm." He said. "I don't like that. Anyone may walk in. Oh well, " he added on second thought. "Maybe I will walk out myself and see my friends in town. It will be nice to return their visits."
  So the happy lion walked out into the park and said, "Bon Jour my friends," to the busy sparrows. "Bon jour happy lion," answered the busy sparrows. And he said, "Bon jour my friend," to the quick red squirrel who sat on his tail and bit into a walnut. "Bon Jour happy lion," said the red squirrel, hardly looking up.
  Then the happy lion went into the cobblestone street where he met Mousieer Dupont just around the corner. "Bon Jour," he said nodding in his polite lion way. "Ohhhhhahhhhh!" answered Mousieer Dupont, and fainted onto the pavement.
  "What a silly way to say 'Bon Jour'," said the happy lion and he patted along on his big soft paws. "Bon Jour Madame," the happy lion said farther down the street when he saw three ladies he had known at the zoo. "Ohhhhhhahhhhh!" cried the three ladies and ran away as if an ogre were after them. "I can't think," said the happy lion, "what makes them do that. They're always so polite at the zoo."
  "Bon Jour Madame," the happy lion nodded again when he caught up with Madame Passons near the green grocers. "Ohh la la!" cried Madame Passons. And threw her shopping bag full of vegetables into the lion's face. "Ahhhhchooo," sneezed the lion. "Oh people in this town are foolish as I begin to see."
  Now the lion began to hear the joyous sounds of a military march. He turned around the next corner and there was the town band marching down the street between two lines of people. "Ratatattum ratatata Ratatattum ratatata Boom Boom" Before the lion could even nod and say, "Bon jour," the music became screams and yells. What a hubbub! Musicians and spectators tumbled into one another in their flight towards doorways and pavement cafes. Soon the street was empty and silent. The lion sat down and meditated. "I suppose," he said. "This must be the way people behave when they are not at the zoo."
  Then he got up and went on with his stroll in search of a friend who would not faint or scream or run away. But the only people he saw were pointing at him excitedly from the highest windows and balconies. Now what was this new noise the lion heard? "Oood ooood Toooot Toooot TooTooooot," went that noise. "Hooot, tooooot tooooooooooooot." And it grew more and more noisy. "Ooo, must be the wind," said the lion. "Unless it's the monkeys from the zoo. All of them taking a stroll?"
  All of a sudden a big, red fire engine burst out of a side street and came to a stop not too too, far from the lion. Then a big van came backing up on the other side of him with its back door wide open. The lion just sat down very quietly. For he did not want to miss what was going to happen. The firemen got off the fire engine and advanced very, very slowly toward the lion pulling their big fire hose along. Very slowly they came closer and closer. And the fire hose crawled on like a long snake longer and longer.
  Suddenly behind the lion a little voice cried, "Bon Jour happy lion." It was Francois, the keeper's son on his way home from school. He had seen the lion and had come running to him. The happy lion was so very happy to meet a friend who did not run and who said, "Bon Jour" that he forgot all about the firemen and he never found out what they were going to do because Francois put his hand on the lion's great mane and said, "Let's walk back to the park together." "Yes let's," purred the happy lion.
  So Francois and the happy lion walked back to the zoo. The firemen followed behind in the fire engine and the people on the balconies and in the high windows shouted at last, "Bon Jour happy lion."
  From then on the happy lion got the best titbits the town saved for him. But if you opened his door he would not wish to go out visiting again. He was happier to sit in his rock garden while on the other side of the moat Moussier Dupont, Madame Passons and all his old friends came again like polite and sensible people to say, "Bon Jour happy lion." But he was happiest when he saw Francois walk through the park every afternoon on his way home from school. Then he swished his tail for joy for Francois remained always his dearest friend.

  一天早上,快乐的狮子发现饲养员忘了关房门。“嗯,我可不喜欢这样, 会有人闯进来的。”他又想了想,“也许,我还是自己走出去,到镇上去看看我的朋友们。总是他们来看我,现在我去回访一下也不错。”
  在蔬菜店附近,快乐的狮子见到潘桑女士,又朝她点头致意:“你好,女士。”潘桑女士吓得尖叫起来: “嗷-啦啦!”然后把装满蔬菜的购物袋扔到了狮子的脸上。“啊-嘁,”狮子打了个喷嚏,“啊,我开始觉得这个镇上的人有点傻气。”

  *Plain: n. 平原,草原
  *Tile: n. 瓦片,瓷砖
  *Shutter: n. 百叶窗
  *Moat: n. 护城河,城壕
  *Bandstand: n. (室外)音乐台,(舞厅)演奏台
  *Keeper: n. 监护人,管理人,看守人,保管人
  *Bon jour: (法语)早安,日安;你好
  *Master: n. 男教师;校长
  *Madame: n. (法语)太太,夫人
  *Knit: v. 编织
  *Au revoir: (法语)再见
  *Bench: n. 长椅子
  *File: vi. 列队行进
  *Waltz: n. 华尔兹舞,华尔兹舞曲
  *Polka: n. 波尔卡舞
  *Titbit: n. 量少味美的食品,珍品,珍闻
  *Second thought: n. 重新考虑
  *Quick: adj. 快的,迅速的,敏捷的,活泼的
  *Walnut: n. 胡桃,胡桃木
  *Cobblestone: n. 圆石,鹅卵石
  *Nod: v. 点头
  *Faint: vi. 昏晕,昏倒,变得微弱,变得没气力
  *Pavement: n. 人行道,公路
  *Silly: adj. 愚蠢的,无聊的
  *Pat: v. 轻拍
  *Paw: n. 手掌,手爪
  *Ogre: n. (民间传说中的)食人魔鬼,怪物,像鬼的人
  *Grocer: n. 食品商,杂货店
  *Vegetable: n. 蔬菜,植物
  *Sneeze: vi. 打喷嚏

狮子 - 水瓶

要不停翻新不停进步的一对组合。 因为在星座学上你们是对宫,所以好多事都是完全相反,不过大家都是外向乐观的星座。 两者的固执性同埋太过自我的性格,加在一起就更加出现好多各持已见,不肯放手的死局。 最初可以将你俩个人拉在一起,主因可能是狮子座大有自信,认为□可能不可以将这个冷漠的水瓶收复,将他古怪的脾性修正为正常人,水瓶座的三分钟热度亦令他们对霸道的狮子产生兴趣。 只怕这种想法,很快就已经见底,一时冲动到谈婚论嫁地步时,我劝你们要想清想楚,大家够不够信心同坚持力可以白头到老先,仲有必先要明白做朋友同做情人是两件事,不要以为可以是好朋友就可以是情人。


The Happy Lion

There was once a very happy lion. His home was not the hot and dangerous plains of Africa where hunters lie in wait with their guns. It was a lovely French town with brown tiled roofs and grey shutters. The happy lion had a house in the town zoo all for himself with a large rock garden surrounded by a moat in the middle of a park with flower beds and a bandstand.
Early every morning Francois, the keeper's son, stopped on his way to school to say, "Bon Jour happy lion!" In the afternoons Mousieer Dupont, the school master, stopped on his way home to say, "Bon Jour happy lion." In the evening, Madame Passont, who knitted all day on the bench by the bandstand never left without saying, "Aure voir happy lion." On summer Sundays the town band filed into the bandstand to play waltzes and polkas and the happy lion closed his eyes to listen. He loved music. Everyone was his friend and came to say, "Bon Jour," and offer meat and other titbits. He was a happy lion.
One morning the happy lion found that his keeper had forgotten to close the door of his house. "Hmmm." He said. "I don't like that. Anyone may walk in. Oh well, " he added on second thought. "Maybe I will walk out myself and see my friends in town. It will be nice to return their visits."
So the happy lion walked out into the park and said, "Bon Jour my friends," to the busy sparrows. "Bon jour happy lion," answered the busy sparrows. And he said, "Bon jour my friend," to the quick red squirrel who sat on his tail and bit into a walnut. "Bon Jour happy lion," said the red squirrel, hardly looking up.
Then the happy lion went into the cobblestone street where he met Mousieer Dupont just around the corner. "Bon Jour," he said nodding in his polite lion way. "Ohhhhhahhhhh!" answered Mousieer Dupont, and fainted onto the pavement.
"What a silly way to say 'Bon Jour'," said the happy lion and he patted along on his big soft paws. "Bon Jour Madame," the happy lion said farther down the street when he saw three ladies he had known at the zoo. "Ohhhhhhahhhhh!" cried the three ladies and ran away as if an ogre were after them. "I can't think," said the happy lion, "what makes them do that. They're always so polite at the zoo."
"Bon Jour Madame," the happy lion nodded again when he caught up with Madame Passons near the green grocers. "Ohh la la!" cried Madame Passons. And threw her shopping bag full of vegetables into the lion's face. "Ahhhhchooo," sneezed the lion. "Oh people in this town are foolish as I begin to see."
Now the lion began to hear the joyous sounds of a military march. He turned around the next corner and there was the town band marching down the street between two lines of people. "Ratatattum ratatata Ratatattum ratatata Boom Boom" Before the lion could even nod and say, "Bon jour," the music became screams and yells. What a hubbub! Musicians and spectators tumbled into one another in their flight towards doorways and pavement cafes. Soon the street was empty and silent. The lion sat down and meditated. "I suppose," he said. "This must be the way people behave when they are not at the zoo."
Then he got up and went on with his stroll in search of a friend who would not faint or scream or run away. But the only people he saw were pointing at him excitedly from the highest windows and balconies. Now what was this new noise the lion heard? "Oood ooood Toooot Toooot TooTooooot," went that noise. "Hooot, tooooot tooooooooooooot." And it grew more and more noisy. "Ooo, must be the wind," said the lion. "Unless it's the monkeys from the zoo. All of them taking a stroll?"
All of a sudden a big, red fire engine burst out of a side street and came to a stop not too too, far from the lion. Then a big van came backing up on the other side of him with its back door wide open. The lion just sat down very quietly. For he did not want to miss what was going to happen. The firemen got off the fire engine and advanced very, very slowly toward the lion pulling their big fire hose along. Very slowly they came closer and closer. And the fire hose crawled on like a long snake longer and longer.
Suddenly behind the lion a little voice cried, "Bon Jour happy lion." It was Francois, the keeper's son on his way home from school. He had seen the lion and had come running to him. The happy lion was so very happy to meet a friend who did not run and who said, "Bon Jour" that he forgot all about the firemen and he never found out what they were going to do because Francois put his hand on the lion's great mane and said, "Let's walk back to the park together." "Yes let's," purred the happy lion.
So Francois and the happy lion walked back to the zoo. The firemen followed behind in the fire engine and the people on the balconies and in the high windows shouted at last, "Bon Jour happy lion."
From then on the happy lion got the best titbits the town saved for him. But if you opened his door he would not wish to go out visiting again. He was happier to sit in his rock garden while on the other side of the moat Moussier Dupont, Madame Passons and all his old friends came again like polite and sensible people to say, "Bon Jour happy lion." But he was happiest when he saw Francois walk through the park every afternoon on his way home from school. Then he swished his tail for joy for Francois remained always his dearest friend.

一天早上,快乐的狮子发现饲养员忘了关房门。“嗯,我可不喜欢这样, 会有人闯进来的。”他又想了想,“也许,我还是自己走出去,到镇上去看看我的朋友们。总是他们来看我,现在我去回访一下也不错。”
在蔬菜店附近,快乐的狮子见到潘桑女士,又朝她点头致意:“你好,女士。”潘桑女士吓得尖叫起来: “嗷-啦啦!”然后把装满蔬菜的购物袋扔到了狮子的脸上。“啊-嘁,”狮子打了个喷嚏,“啊,我开始觉得这个镇上的人有点傻气。”

*Plain: n. 平原,草原
*Tile: n. 瓦片,瓷砖
*Shutter: n. 百叶窗
*Moat: n. 护城河,城壕
*Bandstand: n. (室外)音乐台,(舞厅)演奏台
*Keeper: n. 监护人,管理人,看守人,保管人
*Bon jour: (法语)早安,日安;你好
*Master: n. 男教师;校长
*Madame: n. (法语)太太,夫人
*Knit: v. 编织
*Au revoir: (法语)再见
*Bench: n. 长椅子
*File: vi. 列队行进
*Waltz: n. 华尔兹舞,华尔兹舞曲
*Polka: n. 波尔卡舞
*Titbit: n. 量少味美的食品,珍品,珍闻
*Second thought: n. 重新考虑
*Quick: adj. 快的,迅速的,敏捷的,活泼的
*Walnut: n. 胡桃,胡桃木
*Cobblestone: n. 圆石,鹅卵石
*Nod: v. 点头
*Faint: vi. 昏晕,昏倒,变得微弱,变得没气力
*Pavement: n. 人行道,公路
*Silly: adj. 愚蠢的,无聊的
*Pat: v. 轻拍
*Paw: n. 手掌,手爪
*Ogre: n. (民间传说中的)食人魔鬼,怪物,像鬼的人
*Grocer: n. 食品商,杂货店
*Vegetable: n. 蔬菜,植物
*Sneeze: vi. 打喷嚏

狮子 - 水瓶

要不停翻新不停进步的一对组合。 因为在星座学上你们是对宫,所以好多事都是完全相反,不过大家都是外向乐观的星座。 两者的固执性同埋太过自我的性格,加在一起就更加出现好多各持已见,不肯放手的死局。 最初可以将你俩个人拉在一起,主因可能是狮子座大有自信,认为□可能不可以将这个冷漠的水瓶收复,将他古怪的脾性修正为正常人,水瓶座的三分钟热度亦令他们对霸道的狮子产生兴趣。 只怕这种想法,很快就已经见底,一时冲动到谈婚论嫁地步时,我劝你们要想清想楚,大家够不够信心同坚持力可以白头到老先,仲有必先要明白做朋友同做情人是两件事,不要以为可以是好朋友就可以是情人。

一天早上,快乐的狮子发现饲养员忘了关房门。“嗯,我可不喜欢这样, 会有人闯进来的。”他又想了想,“也许,我还是自己走出去,到镇上去看看我的朋友们。总是他们来看我,现在我去回访一下也不错。”
在蔬菜店附近,快乐的狮子见到潘桑女士,又朝她点头致意:“你好,女士。”潘桑女士吓得尖叫起来: “嗷-啦啦!”然后把装满蔬菜的购物袋扔到了狮子的脸上。“啊-嘁,”狮子打了个喷嚏,“啊,我开始觉得这个镇上的人有点傻气。”

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