
Jolin Tsai (born September 15, 1980) is a Taiwanese Golden Melody Award winner, singer and dancer. She is managed by Mars Entertainment Ltd. she studied English intensively during her youth and eventually majored in English Literature at Fu Jen Catholic University. During her childhood years, she developed an interest in singing and experimented with different vocal techniques after listening to the songs of popular female singers.
She first started her singing career by taking part in an MTV singing competition at the age of 18. She won the top prize at the competition and was then signed by Universal Music. In July 1999, her first single "Living With the World" was released. It was sold in convenience stores and was a tremendous success, which led to the release of her first album, Jolin 1019, in September 1999. At that time, she was promoted as "The Girl Next Door," and was an instant hit with teenagers, earning her the title "Teenage Boy Killer". Jolin 1019 ended up selling more than 400,000 copies in Asia. With the success of her first album, she released her second album in May 2000, Don't Stop. Many of the hits from that album were well known throughout Asia as the album also became a tremendous success.
Nearing the age of 21, she changed her image in her third album, Show Your Love. The album was considered more mature and soothing, but it did not sell as well as her previous two albums. Her fourth album, Lucky Number, also failed to match the sales of her first two albums. Tsai's music career came to a halt when conflicts surfaced between her and her music company. At the end of 2001, her contract with Universal Music ended.
She signed with Sony Music Entertainment (Taiwan) that year and got the biggest break of her whole career. Her first single with Sony Music "Spirit Of The Knight" became a big hit that led to the highly anticipated release of her fifth album. The album contained many of her most well-known singles, including the hit dance song "See My 72 Changes", "Say Love You" and "Prague Square".
Her sixth album Castle, released in 2004, became a top album in many Asian countries. The playful song "It's Love" and the rock ballad "Rewind", became two biggest hits.
On April 25, 2005, Tsai seventh album J-Game was released.

Jolin released her 12th studio album MUSE worldwide on September 14.


  • 15337859190 :求一篇我最喜欢的明星英语作文,要蔡依林的!!!
    元妻怡1081 :答:her. JOLIN是我最喜欢的歌手,因为她很努力,我一直把她当做学习的榜样。爸爸妈妈也同意我喜欢她,因为爸爸妈妈觉得JOLIN很认真,上进,希望我也能像她一样,努力学习。我觉得她很坚强,从来不轻易掉眼泪。我很佩服她。
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    元妻怡1081 :答:蔡依林简介 本名:蔡宜凌 英文名:JOLIN 小名:娃娃 出生日期:1980-9-15 身高:158CM 生日:9.15 星座:处女座 专长:唱歌 嗜好:研究健康资讯、看电影、出外游玩 最爱的颜色:白、黑、粉蓝、粉红 最爱的一本书:...
  • 15337859190 :蔡依林英文名?
    元妻怡1081 :答:蔡依林Jolin卓林
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    元妻怡1081 :答:同时,她的第一本英文书《J1—Jolin24堂英文日记课》发行,在很多人怀疑的眼光里,以扎实的英文基础夺得好评。4月,《J Game》发行。蔡依林的演艺生涯经历了多个阶段,从新人时期的脱颖而出,到面临合约问题的事业中断,再...
  • 15337859190 :蔡依林个人简介?
    元妻怡1081 :答:原 名:蔡宜凌、蔡依翎(补充说明:蔡妈妈说,蔡宜凌这个名字是才艺兼备的意思,全方位都会顾及,让JOLIN的成长过程非常顺遂。后改名为蔡依翎,JOLIN在台湾上通告时有把身份证展示出来哦。)英 文 名:Jolin Tsai。(补充...
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    元妻怡1081 :答:本 名:蔡宜凌 姓 名:蔡依林 英文名:Jolin 生 日:1980年9月15日 星 座:处女座 生 肖:猴 身 高:158公分 籍 贯:台湾省台北 学 历:辅仁大学英文系 宗教信仰:道 家中排行:排行老二 口头禅:是喔!It was...
  • 15337859190 :关于蔡依林的资料
    元妻怡1081 :答:-- 蔡依林完美资料 本名:蔡宜凌 英文名: JOLIN 小名:娃娃 出生日期:1980-9-15 身高:162CM 生日:9.15 星座:处女座 专长:唱歌 嗜好:研究健康资讯、看电影、出外游玩 最爱的颜色:白、黑、粉蓝、粉红 最爱的...
  • 15337859190 :谁知道蔡依林的资料?
    元妻怡1081 :答:回答:中文姓名:蔡依林 原 名:蔡宜凌 英文姓名:Jolin 出生地:台湾 生日:1980/09/15 星座:处女座 身高:158cm 纯情少女蔡依林自正式进军歌坛,一路福星照耀,第一张大碟《1019》便在台湾本土劲卖;第二张《Don't Stop...
  • 15337859190 :蔡依林的英文名
    元妻怡1081 :答:Jolin Tsai.(J-Just Need More Time ·O-One Lonely · L-Let’s Dance · I-Impossible Is possible · N-Never Give Up.这是她在《地才》DVD中的最新注解,同时也概括了她这几年来努力不懈的过程和状态)...
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    元妻怡1081 :答:原 名:蔡宜凌(补充说明:蔡妈妈说,蔡宜凌这个名字是才艺兼备的意思,全方位都会顾及,让JOLIN的成长过程非常顺遂。后改名为蔡依翎,JOLIN在台湾上通告时有把身份证展示出来哦。)英文名:Jolin Tsai.(补充说明:J-Just ...
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