
Should students be allowed to bring mobile
phones to school?
Most children want a mobile phone and it is estimated that over 70% of children aged
between 10 and 14 now own one. The question of whether students should be allowed to
bring them to school has created considerable debate within the school community between
administration staff, teachers, parents and students.
No-one can deny the widespread popularity of new communication technologies and
Australia has one of the highest levels of mobile phone ownership in the world. Students
argue that being able to use this technology to talk to or text-message friends creates a
feeling of belonging to a group and helps develop their social skills. Most of a young
person’s social interaction happens during or after school and not owning a mobile phone
and being able to receive up-to-date information from peers could lead to feelings of isolation
and low self-esteem. School surveys reveal that more than half of the student population
uses a mobile phone several times a day to make contact with either friends or family, which
psychologists argue enhances their social wellbeing.
Many parents are in favour of mobile phones being allowed in schools too. Safety issues are
their main concern and they like the reassurance of knowing they could contact their child at
any time if necessary. Scheduling is another issue for parents. When plans change, activities
are cancelled or when someone is running late, a mobile phone comes in handy to make
alternative arrangements. More than 70% of parents regard mobile phones as valuable
monitoring devices for their child’s whereabouts.
On the other hand, school authorities believe that carrying a mobile phone could make a
child a more likely target for theft or violence, particularly on the street. Police statistics
reveal an increase in the number of crimes committed against young people that involve the
theft of mobile phones.
Furthermore, principals and teachers are concerned that students’ concentration could be
affected by having phones in the classroom. Instead of focusing on the teacher, students
may become distracted by the ringing or the vibrating of the phone or by reading a text
message. In addition, there is growing unease about the inappropriate use of mobile phones
and the many functions available on them, such as cameras. A recent survey in the United
States revealed that over 80% of students now cheat by copying homework or exam papers
with their mobile phone cameras. Whilst this may not be of concern in our primary schools,
the potential for this abuse remains.
The points of view on the issue of whether mobile phones should be allowed at school
clearly show justifiable and valid reasoning. To reduce parents’ fears about the safety and
whereabouts of their children and to prevent inappropriate use of mobile phones and reduce
the risk of theft and/or mugging, rules and regulations about their use at school have been
The points of view on the issue of whether mobile phones should be allowed at school
clearly show justifiable and valid reasoning.
To reduce parents’ fears about the safety and whereabouts of their children and to prevent
inappropriate use of mobile phones and reduce the risk of theft and/or mugging, rules and
regulations about their use at school have been developed.
1. Phones must be turned off once the child reaches the school site.
2. Phones must be in bags, trays or handed to the class teacher for safe keeping.
3. A mobile phone agreement will be developed that outlines the rights and
responsibilities for the use of mobile technology whilst at school.
4. A breach of trust or the illegal use of such technologies will result in sanctions that
may lead to a complete ban of such technologies on the school grounds.
All emergency calls between the hours of 8.30a.m. and 3.30p.m. are to be mad

Should students be allowed to bring mobile phones to school?
Most children want a mobile phone and it is estimated that over 70% of children aged
between 10 and 14 now own one. The question of whether students should be allowed to
bring them to school has created considerable debate within the school community between
administration staff, teachers, parents and students.
No-one can deny the widespread popularity of new communication technologies and
Australia has one of the highest levels of mobile phone ownership in the world. Students
argue that being able to use this technology to talk to or text-message friends creates a
feeling of belonging to a group and helps develop their social skills. Most of a young
person’s social interaction happens during or after school and not owning a mobile phone
and being able to receive up-to-date information from peers could lead to feelings of isolation
and low self-esteem. School surveys reveal that more than half of the student population
uses a mobile phone several times a day to make contact with either friends or family, which
psychologists argue enhances their social wellbeing.
Many parents are in favour of mobile phones being allowed in schools too. Safety issues are
their main concern and they like the reassurance of knowing they could contact their child at
any time if necessary. Scheduling is another issue for parents. When plans change, activities
are cancelled or when someone is running late, a mobile phone comes in handy to make
alternative arrangements. More than 70% of parents regard mobile phones as valuable
monitoring devices for their child’s whereabouts.
On the other hand, school authorities believe that carrying a mobile phone could make a
child a more likely target for theft or violence, particularly on the street. Police statistics
reveal an increase in the number of crimes committed against young people that involve the
theft of mobile phones.
Furthermore, principals and teachers are concerned that students’ concentration could be
affected by having phones in the classroom. Instead of focusing on the teacher, students
may become distracted by the ringing or the vibrating of the phone or by reading a text
message. In addition, there is growing unease about the inappropriate use of mobile phones
and the many functions available on them, such as cameras. A recent survey in the United
States revealed that over 80% of students now cheat by copying homework or exam papers
with their mobile phone cameras. Whilst this may not be of concern in our primary schools,
the potential for this abuse remains.
The points of view on the issue of whether mobile phones should be allowed at school
clearly show justifiable and valid reasoning. To reduce parents’ fears about the safety and
whereabouts of their children and to prevent inappropriate use of mobile phones and reduce
the risk of theft and/or mugging, rules and regulations about their use at school have been

1. Phones must be turned off once the child reaches the school site.
2. Phones must be in bags, trays or handed to the class teacher for safe keeping.
3. A mobile phone agreement will be developed that outlines the rights and
responsibilities for the use of mobile technology whilst at school.
4. A breach of trust or the illegal use of such technologies will result in sanctions that
may lead to a complete ban of such technologies on the school grounds.
All emergency calls between the hours of 8.30a.m. and 3.30p.m. are to be mad

As the development of modern technology,Smartphone has become
quite popular all over the world with its outstanding functions.People
can use phones to surf the Internet,update their personal micro blog,and
upload their latest pictures at any place,anytime.It seems that smart
phones have already become an indispensable part in people's daily
lives.However,some people are indulging in smart phones,which already
have side-effect on their normal life.

A light drizzle was falling as my sister Jill and I ran out of the Methodist Church

some people are infavor of idea that For one thing, For another

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    危骅浅2975 :答:我认为,小学生是不能带手机上学。首先,我觉得我们年龄还小,不太能控制自己,所以经常上课会把手机偷偷拿来玩一下。这样会影响我们听课质量。其次,手机是有很强辐射的,对于我们小学生来说,我们还在生长发育阶段,经常带...
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  • 18878135858 :小学生该不该带手机上学? 我是正方,急需正方辩词!!!
    危骅浅2975 :答:1、小学生应该带手机。现在们小学生,很多都是在学校一整天,手机做为一种通讯工具,它便捷、高效,我们在遇到困难的时候能快速联系家长,遇到危险时能迅速报警,为我们提供了安全保障,所以我方观点:小学生应该带手机。2、...
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