


self-introductory speech,强调了一个“speech” 演说/演讲,是要宣扬/宣传自己。

而 ordinary self-introduction只要求是作一个简单自我介绍,比如只说一下自己的名字也可以的。


职场英语口语——Self introduction自我介绍

When you hear “Tell me about yourself” or “Describe yourself in three words, the real question asked by the hiring manager is:


• Tell me about yourself as a professional. 
• 你作为职场人员都做过什么
• What do YOU think is important for the job? 
• 你认为工作中什么东西是重要的
• How are you going to fit in with the company and provide value?
• 你会如何融入公司、为公司创造价值?

So, to answer the real questions asked by them, here are the tips that you need to remember during self-introduction in interview.


Tips to Improve Self Introduction in Interview Process


1、Put on a smile and greet the interviewers & give details about Name, Place after greeting.


First, the candidate requires to smile and greet all the interviewers sitting on the panel. While greeting the interview deliver a firm handshake saying “Hello”, “Good Morning” or any other greeting. Moreover, the place doesn’t include a whole address. Therefore, a candidate should keep their starting stage clean and precise.

首先,你需要微笑,跟所有面试官打招呼,同时跟每个人握手,说“你好”、“早上好”或其他问候语。 此外,介绍地址时应只介绍省份和地区,不必过于详细。整个开场应该简练精确。

2、Add family details, if asked for.


Sometimes at the start of the conversation during the interview, the interviewing panel might be interested in knowing about the candidates’ family history. At that time, the candidate should be comfortable speaking about it and provide necessary family details.

有时在面试时的谈话开始时,面试小组可能有兴趣了解你的家族史。 这个时候你可以多介绍些家庭情况,必要时提供一些细节。

3、 Describe educational qualification.


Explanation about educational qualification requires a precise and crisp manner. There should be a certain way of talking regarding educational qualification because the candidate can’t go on and on about their achievements in academics.


4、 Mention about previous project.


STAR method to illustrate this.
STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action, Result: 

5、About mentor and professional support.


Most of the time during an interview the candidate keeps explaining about themselves to the employer. That seems a quite self-obsessed for most of the people.


Therefore, start talking about their company support and the admiration he received from his mentor for the work. This kind of behavior can be refreshing for the employer.


6、About aspirations, goals and hobbies.


Nowadays, job interview has become more comfortable and communicative. Therefore, all the candidates should be calm during their interview sessions.


The only thing that candidate should understand is, how to grow from that situation. Therefore, the candidate should converse about the life goal and dreams that gives him confidence in life.

你要弄清楚怎么在这种情况下更好地表达自己。 因此,你可以谈谈自己的生活目标和梦想,这些让你对生活充满信心的事情。

7、Describe professional skills.


To talk about your professional self, you’ll need to do two things.


First, you’ll need to identify your greatest professional achievements.


Second, you’ll need to tailor your accomplishments to the job description.


8、Conclude with a thank you.


At the end of the interview session, the candidate should try to show his gratitude towards the employer for such great opportunity.


And finally, leave the room by saying thank you with a firm handshake along with a smile.


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