


Our race came together because of the forgotten past and worked together to face the future。


I'm Optimus Prime。I'm here to make an initiative to let this history go down。We have precious memories and live forever。


In the process of seeking protection for human beings,a period of deep memories surfaced,and our world once met。


In my days as a Decepticon,I really did something worth doing today。Optimus Prime,take my gift。It's so powerful that you can't expect to accomplish your mission。


50 years later,when you look back on this life,do you want to regret not having the courage to get on this car?

  精彩对白 中文
  1. 汽车人!变形!(奇奇卡卡)
  2. No sacrifice, no victory.
  3. 汽车人,保持警惕!
  4. 大黄蜂,停止润滑那个人。
  5. 红蜘蛛,你又让我失望了。
  6. 我数到5!
  7. 迷乱死前:Oh, shit!
  8. 他把润滑剂洒的我满脚都是。
  9. 你来当我的顾问!
  10. My name is Optimus Prime.
  擎天柱对7区指挥官:绑架儿童是犯法的行为。汽车人,缴他们的枪! 英文 1. Car people! Deformation! (奇奇卡卡)
  2. No sacrifice, no victory.
  3. Car, and be vigilant!
  4. Hornet, stop lubricating the man.
  5. Panonychus, you again I am disappointed.
  6. I counted to 5!
  I can only count to 3!
  7. Confusion death: Oh, shit!
  8. He lubricant onto my feet are full.
  9. You come to when my consultant!
  Who is he?
  He is my consultants!
  ~~~~~~~~~ He together!
  10. My name is Optimus Prime.
  District Commander 11.SAM 7: This time you can be in trouble, gentlemen. Allow me to introduce my friend, ... ... Optimus Prime! ! !
  Rectangle 7 District Commander: the abduction of children is illegal behavior. Car, and pay their guns!

Our race‘s united by a history long forgotten, and the future we shall face together. I am optimus prime; and I send this message so that our past will always be remembered, owning those memories, we live on.
我们的种族因为被遗忘的过去而走到一起 齐心协力面对未来 我是擎天柱 在此发出倡议 让这段历史流传下去 我们拥有珍贵的记忆 生生不息


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