
1.He has left Shanghai for a long time.
→He has been away from Shanghai for a long time.
2.He has got up for two hours.
→He has been up for two hours.
3.This is the first film I saw this term.
→This is the first film I have seen this term.
4.There was a knock at the door.It was the second time someone interrupted me that evening.
→There was a knock at the door.It was the second time someone had interrupted me that evening.
5.We will finish the repairs to your car by tomorrow morning.It will be ready for you at 11 O'clock.
→ We will have finished the repairs to your car by tomorrow morning. It will be ready for you at 11 O'clock.

You'll have finished learning English courses by this time of next year.
He has been a doctor for 10 years.
This is the first cup of coffee I have drunk today.
She had used up all her money by the end of last month.
By the time you arrived, she had left.


They will finish their English couses at this time next year.
He've been a doctor for 10 years.
This is the first coffee I drink today.
She had spent all her money at the end of last month.
She had left when he arrived.

Next year this moment, you will your English study。

He works as doctor for 10 years

This is the first coffee I drink today

By the end of last month, she had spent all her money

You arrive, she left.

有人窍门, 那已经是当天晚上第二次有人打搅我了.
我们明天上午就能修好你的车. 并在11点就准备好.

we will finish English course by this time next year
he has been a doctor for 10 years
this is the first cup of coffe i drink today
she has spend out all her money by the end of last month
when you arrived, she has left

4. 有人在敲门。这是那天晚上第二次打断了我。

1.To next year this time, you will study English curriculum.
2.He works as doctor already 10 years.
3.This is the first coffee which I drink today.
4.By the end of last month, she had already squandered all money.
5.When you arrived, she has left.

  • 15638866118 :各位英语高手.麻烦为我翻译一下!谢谢了急!
    弓柳鸦3280 :答:everybody should perform his duty.2、如果能开车去的话,我们能省下很多的时间。we can save a lot of time if we could drive there 3、专家们特别强调了保护环境的重要性。the experts especially emphasized the importance of protecting the environment.4、你应该把父母的话放在心上。you shoul...
  • 15638866118 :请哪位高手能帮我用英语翻译一下啊,急啊!!!
    弓柳鸦3280 :答:When my secretary was in a vacation, Ms. Green had taken her place for one week.
  • 15638866118 :哪个英语高手帮我翻译一下 谢谢~~~ 有点多 呵呵 第一次答得高手 我一定...
    弓柳鸦3280 :答:1.他指给我看他丢钱包的地方 He showed me the place where he lost his wallet.2.我不认识那个和你说话的女孩 I don't know the girl whom you talked with.3.她是一个叫玛丽的女孩 She is a girl who is called Mary.4.那些正在打网球的男孩是我的朋友 Those boys who are playing te...
  • 15638866118 :那位英语强人帮忙翻译一下?
    弓柳鸦3280 :答:英语强人帮忙翻译一下:Call me the Spirit for god's sake Call me the Spirit for god's sake 看在上帝的面上请叫我灵魂、精灵 (SPIRIT 可译为精神,灵魂,精灵,烈酒) 这个应当是书或电影里的对白 那位大哥英语好,帮忙翻译一下 “永远属于你” I will be yours forever! I will always be yours. (我...
  • 15638866118 :请各位英语高手帮忙翻译一下!万分感谢!
    弓柳鸦3280 :答:3. To assist staff and sales of various brands of computers and accounting staff to board accounts 4. Shantou City, Guangdong Province, Chaoyang District Cotton City Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.5. Shantou City, Guangdong Province, Chaoyang District City Cotton Lee-ho computer ...
  • 15638866118 :请英语高手帮我翻译一下!
    弓柳鸦3280 :答:1我会学着放弃你是因为我太爱你;I'm learning to give you up because I love you too much.2如果我所做的一切不能使你快乐,那么我情愿跟你一起悲伤.If what I have done makes you unhappy, I'm willing to taste the sadness together with you.3前世多少次回眸想望,才换来今生一个擦肩...
  • 15638866118 :急~!!英语就要交作业了,哪位高手帮忙翻译一下?谢谢大家啦!!!在线等...
    弓柳鸦3280 :答:an eye:眨眼之间(或者顷刻之间)Keep an eye on something someone:睁一只眼闭一只眼 Run your eye over:越过现象看本质(字面意思,在你的眼睛上面奔跑)Turn a blind eye:(故意)视而不见 Put your feet up:放松,休息(字面意思:跷二郎腿)以上大多都是俚语!引申义居多!希望对LZ有帮助!
  • 15638866118 :麻烦哪位英语高手帮忙翻译一下,个别单词写下音标
    弓柳鸦3280 :答:rooling [ru:liŋ] 滚动,摇摆的意思 penguing's penguin[音标]:['peŋgwin]这里是企鹅 Jumping grooving dancing everybody 跳起来,朋友,跳舞,大家(朋友们,大家跳起来!)Rooling moving singing night day 摇摆,移动,歌唱在黑夜和白天(不分昼夜的歌唱,跳舞)Let's fun fun together...
  • 15638866118 :请英语高手帮忙翻译一下英语! 英译汉。。谢谢了。急!急。。急。。
    弓柳鸦3280 :答:5.probably没有其他乐器是流行世界各地吉他。音乐家使用吉他几乎每一种音乐。经由考古,研究色彩,可以帮助我们了解自己和完善自己。它提供了另一种方式来医治身体和精神,它可以帮助我们了解其他国家正在设法沟通。我们能满足他们的需要,并达到一个新的认识水平。7.everyone谎言。小谎言,也许可能不会造成...
  • 15638866118 :哪位英语高手帮忙翻译一下。
    弓柳鸦3280 :答:take me to your heart(吻别中英对照版)歌手:Michael Learns to Rock 专辑:Take Me To Your Heart take me to your heart hiding from the rain and snow 藏身于雨雪之中 trying to forget but i won't let go 努力忘记,但我怎能就这样离去 looking at a crowded street 看着熙熙攘攘的...
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