


"Du", the bell rang, the students have crowded out of the classroom, quickly ran to the playground to play. The playground was suddenly very busy.During the recess, the playground is very busy.

The students are crazy and noisy on the playground. Some of them kick the shuttlecock, some chase each other, and jump rope.

Look at the students lively appearance, let a person feel that they are very strong.

Among these activities, I like skipping best:Wang chenxin threw the rope back and then threw it forward. When she was about to fall to the ground, Wang chenxin's feet jumped slightly up, just in time for the rope to be thrown over. That's it, 1, 2, 3, 4he danced a lot.

Look, they more like a group of free and happy birds, flying in the blue blue sky.

The minutes ticked by. After a while the bell rang, the students were reluctant to part from the playground, back to the classroom, they look forward to the next class to continue to play.







Should we do exercise between classes? I think we should.It does us a lot of good.Firstly,it can relax ourselves.Secondly,it is useful for our bodies.

After class, I often play basketball with my classmates. Sometimes we would play table tennis, but vigorously. Sometimes teachers play, such as volleyball and the like.

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