有一首中文歌但高潮部分是拜!拜! 拜死内伤 拜拜拜(英文)! 很轻快的一首歌 男生唱的 找了好久了

I'm coming round to open the blinds
You can't hide here any longer
My god you need to rinse those puffy eyes
You can't lie still any longer
And yes they'll ask you where you've been
And you'll have to tell them again and again
And you probably don't wanna hear tomorrow's another day

But i promise you you'll see the sun again
And you're asking me why pain's the only way to happiness
And i promise you you'll see the sun again
Come on take my hand
We're going for a walk i know you can
You can wear anything as long as it's not black
Please don't mourn forever she's not coming back
And yes they'll ask you where you've been
And you'll have to tell them again and again
And you probably don't wanna hear tomorrow's another day
But i promise you you'll see the sun again
And you're asking me why pain's the only way to happiness
And i promise you you'll see the sun again
And i promise you you'll see the sun again
Do you remember telling me you'd found the sweetest thing of all
You said one day of this was worth dying for
So be thankful you knew her at all
But it's no more
And you probably don't wanna hear tomorrow's another day
But i promise you you'll see the sun again
And you're asking me why pain's the only way to happiness
And i promise you you'll see the sun again
And you probably don't wanna hear tomorrow's another day
But i promise you you'll see the sun again
And you're asking me why pain's the only way to happiness
And i promise you you'll see the sun again


  • 18771675976 :求一首中文歌 女生演唱的 歌曲最后三个字是“说拜拜(说bye bye)”_百 ...
    尚英胡2314 :答:张惠妹的《BAD BOY》
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    尚英胡2314 :答:曹格的背叛 紧紧相依的心如何say goodbye,你比我清楚还要我说明白,冷冷清清淡淡今后都不管。应该就是这歌,灰常好听,MV更好看,看看
  • 18771675976 :寻找一首歌名,我只记得有一句好像是“一声拜拜”
    尚英胡2314 :答:应该是黄家驹的《BYEBYE》
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    尚英胡2314 :答:就在你不再为我的那一刻 So now it's time to leave 所以是离开的时候了 And make it alone 单方面的 I know that I can't take no more 我知道我忍不了多久 It ain't no lie 这不是说谎 I wanna see you out that door 我想看着你走出这门 Baby, bye, bye, bye 宝贝 再见 再见...
  • 18771675976 :鳌拜鳌拜鳌拜拜是什么歌
    尚英胡2314 :答:这首歌其实是内地音乐人新旭在歌曲《凤舞九天》中加入了男声混音后的电音版本,让人听着层次感鲜明,更加的动感。《凤舞九天》的原曲叫做《Batte Forte》,是多用在串烧开场的一首意大利舞曲,喜欢的朋友们可以在QQ音乐上就可以搜索到原曲和这首动感的混音舞曲《Batte Forte凤舞就团(DJ敲鼓版)》...
  • 18771675976 :歌词里有:“春去春又来,你说拜拜拜”。求问什么歌?
    尚英胡2314 :答:掰掰掰 作词:阿哲ZO 作曲:星弟 演唱:Rita黄汐源 就不要见怪 别见外 尽管都哭出来 抬头看看 这阴霾 就算它 猖獗好几个礼拜 不也还 会散开 答应过自己的未来 它就一定会来 你听听窗外 有风来 隐约还闻见花开 它也是 很努力 熬出来 这一路难免受到伤害 有精彩就有意外 可这是你选的未来 你应该...
  • 18771675976 :求音乐: 有一首中文歌 新歌 女的唱的 歌词有一句 现在说拜拜不要回头...
    尚英胡2314 :答:汪妤凌的<give it up> 记得给分哦!
  • 18771675976 :有个周杰伦的歌,我记得有句:为你撑伞(音拖得比较长),后面是,拜
    尚英胡2314 :答:《Mine Mine》由周杰伦作曲、作词,收录在周杰伦2011年发行的专辑《惊叹号》中 歌词:你说已分开 为什么还要帮你撑伞~~~‍‍Cuz baby you are mine mine(Mine……)Mine mine(Mine……)太快 就承认 我真的很想你 会不会没有男子气概 You say Bye-bye(Bye……)Oh bye-bye(Bye...
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  • 18771675976 :你说嗨嗨嗨 ,我说拜拜拜,是什么歌?
    尚英胡2314 :答:Hihi Byebye,王心凌。歌词:你生气来像火灾 我哭起来就像水灾 我们两个人加起来 刚好就变成无害 你喜欢喝冰牛奶 我喜欢喝热牛奶 你的冰块加到我的牛奶 就温暖起来 你喜欢走左边 因为你说会有安全感 我喜欢走右边 因为我觉得比较浪漫 你睡起来是早上 我睡起来是夜晚 我们一体反面 一加一等于是零...
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