这个视频里的背景音乐,歌名是什么? 视频链接 http://v.qq.com/cover/h/h99hh3pztx1iaqs.html

背景音乐:The Remedy
I got caught up in some bullshit and no one gave up my dreams
Even had some trust issues with people up on my team
I willing question my confidence after I'd gave up on trees

But now I'm back in the booth and once again I'm a beast

And once again I'm a beast, and once again I'm a beast
I got caught up in some bullshit and no one gave up my dreams
Pills for concentration, pills for motivation
Pills to keep me patient and pills to help me creation
I'm addicted to this life, I'm living trying to fuck a types of women
Regardless their skin color, regardless their damn religion
I be trying to paint a vision, vinyl scratching, records skipping
[?] disease from women who hella tying
And I'd probably be the next greatest thing that everyone had to see
Producers sending me beats and I hope my enemies bleed
I'm filling on all these rappers, y'all some fucking selfish bastards
If money is all you have then you shouldn't be paid, in fact
I'm cracking up at you ignorance, lately I've been a pecimist
When I go out in public I'm turning heads like the Exodus
Devil's stare at my back son, trustly never had fun
Relaying sleep, I lost like ten persons the last month
Used to always pass blunts 'till I quit smoking
But now I'm allowed to focus, I thought my shit would smell roses, but
I got caught up in some bullshit and no ones gave up my dreams
Even had some trust issues with people up on my team
I willing question my confidence after I gave up trees
But now I'm back in the booth and once again I'm a beast

And once again I'm a beast, and once again I'm a beast
I got caught up in some bullshit and no ones gave up my dreams
I'm trying to harden my thoughts, lately I'm feeling so lost
Feeling invented by the world but someone tell me the cost
The cost of paying the price, I never prayed to my life
But right now I could really desperately use a sign
I got to no one to star I'm felling like flowing the shore
Cause I'm lost to see mentaly and I just can't take no more
All of my feelings ignore, I used to be easy going
Can't figure out my emotions and when the weather report
[?] but that was such a mistake
Ain't ever been more afraid, I feel like going insane
Tearin' my head out it's crazy, my father never been lately
But just know that I'm hard working, and that's for damn sure
And I know I never really been one of the nicer person
And this feeling really irking me, this sign is out to curdle me
After the people who hurted me don't even know me personaly

The Remedy (Dir. Ivan Berrios)


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