
Today, more and more middle school students have their own mobile phones. As a student, I think it’s good to have a mobile phone, because mobile phones can offer a lot of convenience. And students can send short messages to their parents when they are in trouble or not at home.
In fact, if students use mobile phones in right ways, mobile phones will help us, such as we can use mobile phones to look up new words. But it can also bring some trouble. For example, many students use their mobiles to listen to music in class. They don’t listen to the teachers carefully. And many students send messages in class.
In my opinion, it’s not right to use mobile phones in school. We should try our best to use mobile phones in right ways.


Today, more and more middle school students have their own mobile phones. As a student, I think it’s good to have a mobile phone, because mobile phones can offer a lot of convenience. And students can send short messages to their parents when they are in trouble or not at home.
In fact, if students use mobile phones in right ways, mobile phones will help us, such as we can use mobile phones to look up new words. But it can also bring some trouble. For example, many students use their mobiles to listen to music in class. They don’t listen to the teachers carefully. And many students send messages in class.
In my opinion, it’s not right to use mobile phones in school. We should try our best to use mobile phones in right ways.


the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones
Generally speaking, it is widely believed that there are several positive aspects as follows about students' using mobile phones at school.Firstly, with a mobile phone in hand, a student can get in touch with parents conveniently.Secondly, mobile phones can sometimes be used as a dictionary if it is connected with the Internet, which is beneficial to students' English learning.However, its advantages are also obvious.To start with, getting in touch with friends as well as parents by the phone too frequently will surely have a bad effect on students' study.What's worse, it is common for students to get addicted to mobile phone games.From the comparison between these positive and negative effects, we know that its disadvantages far outweigh its advantages. Therefore, students had better not use mobile phones.


From my opinion, student should depend on different situation to decide using their mobile phone or not. There are increasing number of student have their own mobile phones, which play the crucial role in student's life. For example, using mobile phones discusss with calssemates for better understand of homework without time and distance limitation. If student used their mobile phones for contribute to the study aspect, I support that student should use mobile phone. However, we also need to consider the negative aspect, as we all know, a part of student use mobile phone for playing the mobile games or chat with friends, it would be free to do these kind of "hobbies" during the break or get out of class. Yet, student should not use their mobile phone during the class that may affect the class room discipline also leads to student's distraction.

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