一首欧美英语歌,歌曲缓慢、抒情、深沉,开头好像是Are you going to ~.....歌曲中有很多remenber

scarborough fair


Are you going to Scarborough Fair 您要去斯卡布罗集市吗?   Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芜荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香   Remember me to one who lives there 代我向那儿的一位姑娘问好   She once was a true love of mine 她曾经是我的爱人。   Tell her to make me a cambric shirt 叫她替我做件麻布衣衫   (On the side of a hill in the deep forest green)? (绿林深处山冈旁)   Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香   (Tracing of sparrow on the snow crested brown) (在白雪封顶的褐色山上追逐雀儿)   Without no seams nor needle work 上面不用缝口,也不用针线   (Blankets and bedclothes the child of the mountain) (大山是山之子的地毯和床单)   Then she`ll be a true love of mine 她就会是我真正的爱人。   (Sleeps unaware of the clarion call) (熟睡中不觉号角声声呼唤)   Tell her to find me an acre of land 叫她替我找一块地   (On the side of a hill a sprinkling of leaves) (从小山旁几片小草叶上)   Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香   (Washes the grave with silvery tears) (滴下的银色泪珠冲刷着坟茔)   Between salt water and the sea strands 就在咸水和大海之间   (A soldier cleans and polishes a gun) (士兵擦拭着他的枪)   Then she`ll be a true love of mine 她就会是我真正的爱人。   Tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather 叫她用一把皮镰收割   (War bells blazing in scarlet battalion) (战火轰隆,猩红的枪弹在狂呼)   Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香   (Generals order their soldiers to kill) (将军们命令麾下的士兵冲杀)   And gather it all in a bunch of heather 将收割的石楠扎成一束   (And to fight for a cause they`ve long ago forgotten) (为一个早已遗忘的理由而战)   Then she`ll be a true love of mine她就会是我真正的爱人。   Are you going to Scarborough Fair 您要去斯卡布罗集市吗?   Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芜荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香   Remember me to one who lives there 代我向那儿的一位姑娘问好   she once was a true love of mine 她曾经是我的爱人。



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