
From its inception as a league in 1949, the National Basketball Association (NBA) had grown from a small league garnering little interests from the American public to a global juggernaut responsible for making basketball into the fastest growing sport in the world! The history of the NBA is filled with remarkable stories and captivating characters. Starting as a league featuring 8 teams to its current 30 teams. From the first superstar, center George Mikan of the Minneapolis Lakers, to its current star, Chinese center Yao Ming of the Houston Rockets.

Here at RingSurf NBA, we realize that true fans appreciate the history and evolution of the game in the world’s greatest basketball league. That is why we are devoting a special segment documenting the History of the NBA, highlighting significant changes, moments, and players of the game. Our special segments trace the dynasties of the Minneapolis Lakers, Boston Celtics, and Chicago Bulls, as well as recording the significance of such great players and ambassadors of the game from George Mikan, Bill Russell, Elgin Baylor, Wilt Chamberlain, Julius Erving, Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, Michael Jordan, and Shaquille O’Neal.

To fully appreciate the NBA as it is now, it is important to recognize the history that has allowed it to achieve the status it maintains today. You will see that the NBA was as exciting back then as it is now!

NBA是National Basketball Association的缩写(国家篮球协会)。成立于1946年6月6日。成立时叫BAA,即全美篮协会(Basketball Association of America),是由十一家冰球馆和体育馆的老板为了让体育馆在冰球比赛以外的时间,不至于闲置而共同发起成立的。BAA成立时共11支球队:纽约尼克斯队、波士顿凯尔特人队、华盛顿国会队、芝加哥牡鹿队、克利夫兰叛逆者队、底特律猎鹰队、费城武士队、匹兹保铁人队、普罗维登斯蒸气队、圣路易斯轰炸机队和多伦多爱斯基摩人队。1949年BAA吞并了当时的另外一个联盟(NBL),并改名为NBA。1949-50赛季,NBA共17支球队。1976年 NBA吞并了美国篮球协会(ABA),球队增加到22支。1980年达拉斯小牛队加入NBA。1988年,夏洛特黄蜂队和迈阿密热火队加入NBA。 1990年奥兰多魔术队和明尼苏达森林狼队加入NBA。1995年两支加拿大球队加入NBA,多伦多猛龙队和温哥华灰熊队,使NBA的球队达到29支. 2003年,夏洛特山猫队加入,如今有30支球队。

National Basketball Association All-Star Game

The NBA staged its first All-Star Game in the Boston Garden on March 2, 1951. From that year on, the game has matched the best players in the East against the best in the West.

The All-Star Game is the main, culminating event of All-Star Weekend, and it is held on Sunday evening. In recent years, the All-Star Game has expanded to include musical performances by major stars such as Elton John, Destiny's Child, Mariah Carey, OutKast and others. The soulful rendition of The Star-Spangled Banner by Marvin Gaye during the 1983 All-Star Game remains a staple of pop culture.

Other major events include Friday Night's Rookie Challenge and Saturday Night's Slam Dunk Contest, Three Point Contest, and the Skills Challenge event (started in 2003) which pits the league's top point guards in an obstacle course of dribbling, shooting and passing, and the new Shooting Stars Competition which features a retired player, a current NBA player and a WNBA player representing their teams' cities in a shooting competition.

Rookie Challenge is a game in which selected Rookies of the league team up to go against selected Sophomores of the league. The Sophmores often win, but on rare occasions, the Rookies have stunned the Sophomores.

Three Point Contest is a contest in which selected three point shooters (those who lead the league in three point shooting) take positions around the basket and try to net as many three pointers as they can. There will be 'money balls' where a shooter can earn more points by making it in.

Slam Dunk Contest is a contest in which selected players (those who have monstrous dunks) try to think of creative dunks and show off to the crowd. The usual rules of 'traveling' and double dribbling do not apply.

Additionally, the NBA Jam Session, a "theme-park" of basketball, has been a part of the All-Star festivities since 1992, with fans able to take part in numerous interactive basketball related activities from Thursday through Monday. The Jam Session is usually targeted to young fans. It is similar to the America Online NFL Experience, which opens during Super Bowl weekend.

National Basketball Association All-Star Game

The NBA staged its first All-Star Game in the Boston Garden on March 2, 1951. From that year on, the game has matched the best players in the East against the best in the West.

The All-Star Game is the main, culminating event of All-Star Weekend, and it is held on Sunday evening. In recent years, the All-Star Game has expanded to include musical performances by major stars such as Elton John, Destiny's Child, Mariah Carey, OutKast and others. The soulful rendition of The Star-Spangled Banner by Marvin Gaye during the 1983 All-Star Game remains a staple of pop culture.

Other major events include Friday Night's Rookie Challenge and Saturday Night's Slam Dunk Contest, Three Point Contest, and the Skills Challenge event (started in 2003) which pits the league's top point guards in an obstacle course of dribbling, shooting and passing, and the new Shooting Stars Competition which features a retired player, a current NBA player and a WNBA player representing their teams' cities in a shooting competition.

Rookie Challenge is a game in which selected Rookies of the league team up to go against selected Sophomores of the league. The Sophmores often win, but on rare occasions, the Rookies have stunned the Sophomores.

Three Point Contest is a contest in which selected three point shooters (those who lead the league in three point shooting) take positions around the basket and try to net as many three pointers as they can. There will be 'money balls' where a shooter can earn more points by making it in.

Slam Dunk Contest is a contest in which selected players (those who have monstrous dunks) try to think of creative dunks and show off to the crowd. The usual rules of 'traveling' and double dribbling do not apply.

Additionally, the NBA Jam Session, a "theme-park" of basketball, has been a part of the All-Star festivities since 1992, with fans able to take part in numerous interactive basketball related activities from Thursday through Monday. The Jam Session is usually targeted to young fans. It is similar to the America Online NFL Experience, which opens during Super Bowl weekend.
回答者:ARENASgilbert - 见习魔法师 二级 5-4 22:34

From its inception as a league in 1949, the National Basketball Association (NBA) had grown from a small league garnering little interests from the American public to a global juggernaut responsible for making basketball into the fastest growing sport in the world! The history of the NBA is filled with remarkable stories and captivating characters. Starting as a league featuring 8 teams to its current 30 teams. From the first superstar, center George Mikan of the Minneapolis Lakers, to its current star, Chinese center Yao Ming of the Houston Rockets.

Here at RingSurf NBA, we realize that true fans appreciate the history and evolution of the game in the world’s greatest basketball league. That is why we are devoting a special segment documenting the History of the NBA, highlighting significant changes, moments, and players of the game. Our special segments trace the dynasties of the Minneapolis Lakers, Boston Celtics, and Chicago Bulls, as well as recording the significance of such great players and ambassadors of the game from George Mikan, Bill Russell, Elgin Baylor, Wilt Chamberlain, Julius Erving, Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, Michael Jordan, and Shaquille O’Neal.

To fully appreciate the NBA as it is now, it is important to recognize the history that has allowed it to achieve the status it maintains today. You will see that the NBA was as exciting back then as it is now!
回答者:RockRocket - 经理 五级 5-4 23:31

o fully appreciate the NBA as it is now, it is important to recognize the history that has allowed it to

o fully appreciate the NBA as it is now, it is important to recognize the history that has allowed it to

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