
The Old Man and the Sea;
The Old Man and Sea;
old man and sea。
该作围绕一位老年古巴渔夫,与一条巨大的马林鱼在离岸很远的湾流中搏斗而展开故事的讲述。尽管海明威笔下的老人是悲剧性的,但他身上却有着尼采“超人”的品质,泰然自若地接受失败,沉着勇敢地面对死亡,这些“硬汉子”体现了海明威的人生哲学和道德理想,即人类不向命运低头,永不服输的斗士精神和积极向上的乐观人生态度。 [1]




原文:Long, long ago, there was a king. He liked to draw pictures. He thought his pictures were good, so he liked to show them to people. People were afraid to say that the king's pictures were bad, so they all said that his pictures were very good. 

One day, the king showed some of his bast pictures to an artist. He wanted the artist to speak well of these pictures. But the artist said his pictures were so bad that he should put them into the fire. The king got angry with him and put him to prison. 

After some time, the king's guard brought the artist back to the palace. The king said to the artist. "I will set you free if you tell me which one of my pictures is good." 

Again he showed him some of his new pictures and asked what he thought of them. After having a look at them, the artist at once turned to the guard and said,"Take me back to prison, please."

  • 15050816325 :《老人与海》书名的英文翻译
    徐南邰3153 :答:The old man and the sea
  • 15050816325 :海明威 著作的 英译名字
    徐南邰3153 :答:(1957) 太阳照样升起(The Sun Also Rises) (starring Tyrone Power) (又译:妾似朝阳又照君)(1958) 老人与海(The Old Man and the Sea) (starring Spencer Tracy)(1962) 一个年轻人的冒险(Adventures of a Young Man)(1964) 杀人者(The Killers) (starring Lee Marvin)(1965) 战地...
  • 15050816325 :《老人与海》翻译
    徐南邰3153 :答:The old man and the sea "book such a story, Cuba, the old fisherman Santiago continuous skiff didn't catch fish, other fishermen as failure, but his perseverance, finally caught a big marlin, the big marlin will his boat at sea three days, drag exhaustion by boat un...
  • 15050816325 :老人与海的英文名称是什么?
    徐南邰3153 :答:eventually swallowed by sharks.(返航回家时,海中的鲨鱼前来抢夺马林鱼的肉,老渔民用尽方法但是马林鱼最终还是被鲨鱼们完全吞噬。)When he came home, the marlin had only a skeleton, so he began to eat the bones.(他回家时,马林鱼只剩下一个骨架,于是他开始吃起马林鱼的骨头。)...
  • 15050816325 :英文高手请进:请将《老人与海》的歌词翻译成英语
    徐南邰3153 :答:冬天的雪白色了你我的情人节 Your and my Valentine's Day of white in winter 消失不见爱的碎片 Chip not seeing the love disappear 翻开尘封的相片 Open the photograph covered with dust 想起和你看过的那些老旧默片 Remember and old silent slice of those which you have seen 老人与海的...
  • 15050816325 :老人与海英文版叫什么
    徐南邰3153 :答:"每一句话和每一段落,都要尽量写得简洁。"这是海明威写作的信条之一,这使得他的作品改编成电影的数量比任何其他一位获奖者都多。当他被宣布为当年的普利策文学奖得主时,评论界一致称好。"人可以被毁灭,却不可以被战胜。"海明威在《老人与海》里所说的话,不仅打动了读者,也征服了评论者。小说以...
  • 15050816325 :老人与海 求英文翻译(高中水平) 答案满意再加分
    徐南邰3153 :答:"The old man and the sea" is a classical tragedy with a pregnant meaning of the novel, but also a heroic symphony. Hemingway said: "I tried to describe a real man, a real kids, real sea, a real fish and real shark. However, if I can write lifelike enough, they can ...
  • 15050816325 :请教一下海明威的作品名字的 英语翻译 谢谢了~~~
    徐南邰3153 :答:·《第五纵队·西班牙大地》- The Fifth Column and Four Stories of the Spanish Civil War ·《曙光示真》- A Clean, Well-Lighted Place ·《不固定的圣节》·《过河入林》- Across the River and into the Trees ·《危险的夏天》- The Dangerous Summer ·《老人与海》- The Old Man ...
  • 15050816325 :英语翻译
    徐南邰3153 :答:可以推动人向前进.有些话不通顺啊, the shark fish the fish flesh which could eat all eats finished also has about 800 pounds; not showed the person how regardless of, most feared is does not have the confidence特别是这两句,你自己再斟酌下,这应该是老人与海的总结吧....
  • 15050816325 :翻译句子:老人与海是海明威最著名的小说之一
    徐南邰3153 :答:"The Old Man and the Sea" is one of the most famous novels by Hemingway. The novel tells the story about…或:"The Old Man and the Sea" is one of Hemingway's most famous novels.The novel tells the story about…
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