
歌名叫TiK ToK
歌手是Kesha 歌词如下:(你可以搜一下看是不是这首歌,因为这首歌很经典,有很多woo~喔喔喔喔这样的调子)

Wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy
(Hey, what up girl?)
Grab my glasses, Im out the door -
Im gonna hit this city (Lets go)
Before I leave, brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack
Cause when I leave for the night, I aint coming back

Im talkin' bout - pedicures on our toes, toes
Trying on all our clothes, clothes
Boys blowing up our phones, phones
Drop-topping, playing our favorite cd's
Pulling up to the parties
Trying to get a little bit tipsy

Dont stop, make it pop
DJ, blow my speakers up
Tonight, Imma fight
Til we see the sunlight
Tick tock, on the clock
But the party dont stop no
Woah-oh oh oh
Woah-oh oh oh

Dont stop, make it pop
DJ, blow my speakers up
Tonight, Imma fight
Til we see the sunlight
Tick tock, on the clock
But the party dont stop no
Woah-oh oh oh
Woah-oh oh oh

Aint got a care in world, but got plenty of beer
Aint got no money in my pocket, but Im already here
Now, the dudes are lining up cause they hear we got swagger
But we kick em to the curb unless they look like Mick Jagger

Im talkin' bout - everybody getting crunk, crunk
Boys tryna touch my junk, junk
Gonna smack him if he getting too drunk, drunk
Now, now - we goin til they kick us out, out
Or the police shut us down, down
Police shut us down, down
Po-po shut us -

Dont stop, make it pop
DJ, blow my speakers up
Tonight, Ima fight
Til we see the sunlight
Tick tock, on the clock
But the party dont stop no
Woah-oh oh oh
Woah-oh oh oh

Dont stop, make it pop
DJ, blow my speakers up
Tonight, Imma fight
Til we see the sunlight
Tick tock, on the clock
But the party dont stop no
Woah-oh oh oh
Woah-oh oh oh

You build me up
You break me down
My heart, it pounds
Yeah, you got me
With my hands up
You got me now
You got that sound
Yeah, you got me

You build me up
You break me down
My heart, it pounds
Yeah, you got me
With my hands up
Put your hands up
Put your hands up

No, the party dont start till I walk in

Dont stop, make it pop
DJ, blow my speakers up
Tonight, Imma fight
Til we see the sunlight
Tick tock, on the clock
But the party dont stop no
Woah-oh oh oh
Woah-oh oh oh

Dont stop, make it pop
DJ, blow my speakers up
Tonight, Imma fight
Til we see the sunlight
Tick tock, on the clock
But the party dont stop no
Woah-oh oh oh
Woah-oh oh oh

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    幸刻舒1204 :答:没有。 零点是成都最早一批的酒吧之一。具体位置在红瓦寺。1环路南1段-东5段之间,九眼桥附近。
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    幸刻舒1204 :答:成都酒吧最多的地方就在九眼桥酒吧一条街了,河对面就是兰桂坊。基本上比较出名的网红酒吧都在这一片上了。其次就是339电视塔这一片区域的话是夜店比较多。九眼桥这边的话好多家酒吧都比较出名,比如说四合院、妲己、漫衍、茶马古道这几家酒吧基本上都是大家熟知的了,在九眼桥一片人气也是蛮高的。
  • 18442187624 :成都酒吧一条街叫什么名字?
    幸刻舒1204 :答:欢歌笑语。成都最繁华地区 成都市月前的几大主城区内,最繁华的应该是锦江区吧。从地理位置来说,他处在市中心区域,被俩条河流环抱,从历史角度看,他又有许多悠久的古老传说,从经济角度来分折,他又是成都重要的经济圈,每天都在为成都市贡献着巨大的财富。他的吸金能力是个成都人都知道的。
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