我的梦想假日英语作文 80字~100



  1. 引入:介绍自己的梦想假日,激发读者的兴趣。

  2. 主体段落1:描述梦想假日的地点,例如海滩、森林、城市等,并解释为什么这个地方是你的梦想。

  3. 主体段落2:分享在梦想假日里你想做的活动,例如游泳、探险、参观名胜等,以及为什么这些活动对你很重要。

  4. 主体段落3:表达对梦想假日的期望和希望,包括你想要体验的新事物和学到的东西。

  5. 结尾:总结你对梦想假日的憧憬和期待,鼓励读者追求自己的梦想。


  1. My dream holiday is to spend time on a beautiful beach. I imagine clear blue skies, white sandy beaches, and crystal-clear waters. It is a place where I can swim, build sandcastles, and play beach volleyball with my family. I am captivated by the beauty and tranquility of the ocean, which is why a beach is my ideal dream holiday destination. I look forward to creating joyful memories there, experiencing the feeling of waves under my feet, and witnessing the breathtaking sunset.

  2. 我的梦想假日是在一个美丽的海滩度过。我梦想着蓝天、白沙滩和清澈的海水。在那里,我可以尽情游泳、堆沙堡和与家人一起玩沙滩排球。我喜欢海洋的美丽和宁静,所以海滩是我理想的梦想假日目的地。我期待能在那里度过快乐的时光,体验海浪拍打在脚下的感觉,并欣赏日落时的壮观景色。

  3. 重要单词:

  • Tranquility (noun): 平静和宁静的状态。

  • Breathtaking (adjective): 极其美丽或令人印象深刻的。

  • Immersing (verb): 深度参与某种活动或经历。


  1. In my dream holiday, I would be surrounded by a magical forest. I am drawn to the beauty and mystery of nature. Within the forest, I can observe various animals and plants, take part in mini adventures, and go camping. I imagine exploring winding paths, climbing trees, and uncovering hidden treasures. The forest brings me a sense of calmness and wonder, which is why I wish to spend my dream holiday there and learn more about nature.

  2. 我的梦想假日是在一个神奇的森林里度过。我喜欢大自然的美丽和神秘感。在那里,我可以观察到各种动物和植物,参加迷你探险和露营活动。我想追寻小径、攀爬树木并探索隐藏的宝藏。森林给我带来平静和惊喜,所以我希望能在那里度过梦想假日,学到更多关于自然的知识。

  3. 重要单词:

  • Captivated (adjective): 对某物强烈地感到吸引或着迷。

  • Winding (adjective): 具有弯曲或蜿蜒形状的。

  • Uncovering (verb): 揭示或发现之前隐藏的事物。


  1. My dream holiday involves immersing myself in a bustling city. I am fascinated by the vibrancy and diversity of urban life. In the city, I can visit museums, art galleries, and shopping centers. I envision strolling through towering skyscrapers, experiencing the pulse of the metropolis, and embracing the cultural richness. The city offers me excitement and inspiration, which is why I hope to spend my dream holiday there and broaden my horizons.

  2. 我的梦想假日是在一个繁忙的城市里度过。我喜欢城市的繁华和多样性。在那里,我可以参观博物馆、艺术画廊和购物中心。我想在高楼大厦中漫步,感受都市的脉搏和文化的多样性。城市给我带来刺激和启发,所以我希望能在那里度过梦想假日,拓宽自己的视野。

  3. 重要单词:

  • Vibrancy (noun): 活力、精力充沛、充满活动的质量或状态。

  • Metropolis (noun): 一个大型繁忙的城市,通常是该地区主要的活动中心。

  • Broaden (verb): 扩大或使更加多样化、丰富。

My dreamed holiday
I am so busy about my studies these days,if I get a chance to take a short holiday,then I would like to have a good plan.
Here is my thoughts.I would spend these holidays closely with my family,firstly take a visit to grand parents as they are older and older,I should care about them on healthy.Then have a picnic with all,go outside for enjoy nature views,leisure talking and have nice food,etc.
This is a simple plan,but I think I will very enjoy it and study more hard since I know family is the biggest trigger for my future.

My dreamed holiday
I am so busy about my studies these days,if I get a chance to take a short holiday,then I would like to have a good plan.
Here is my thoughts.I would spend these holidays closely with my family,firstly take a visit to grand parents as they are older and older,I should care about them on healthy.Then have a picnic with all,go outside for enjoy nature views,leisure talking and have nice food,etc.
This is a simple plan,but I think I will very enjoy it and study more hard since I know family is the biggest trigger for my future.


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