
Good morning,everyone! I always complain my life not until I saw the orphans in the disaster-hit areas. Comparing with them,I feel that I live a happy life. When I saw the ice-cold corpses,I felt very miserable. Our school took a donation ceremony and every student devoted his/her love.

In my opinion,everyone of us should learn to appreciate,appreciate everything life brings to us. We shouldn't fear the hardships in our life,and I like the saying like this:"life is just like a mirror;if you cry to it,it will cry back to you." We should be much braver.

Let us wish those who lost their homes! When I saw on TV that many children keeped on studying though they lost their parents,I felt ashamed.From today on,I will not complain life.

Good morning everyone!I always complaints about life,and untill i saw orphans in disaster area,i just felt that how happy i was! I was heart-broken when i saw the frozen bodies.
Our school made an whip-round,which contains all the loves of us. In my opinion , we should learn to gratitude many things around us, especially for lives that supply everything to us!
We are not ought to be afraid of adversity in the lifetime,i agree with such words that gose like:"Life is a mirror ,if you cry in opposit to it,so does it!"We must be brave!
Now let's bless for all the compatriot who lose their homes!Whenever i saw many children that lose thier parents insist upon studying,i felt so embarassed.I promise that, from now on ,i will never complaint about life any more!

Good morning! I used to complain a lot. It is not until I saw the children who lost their parents in the disaster, that I realized all the good things around me. I felt deeply sorry at the sight of the cold bodies. To show our care for them, everyone in our school donated for them.
I think we should learn to give thanks. Give thanks to all that we have in life! We should not fear the pain in our lives. I like the saying that, "Life is a mirror, you cry upon it, it in turns cry towards you." We should be brave.
Let's give our best wishes to those homeless people! I felt ashamed when I learned on TV that many of the students kept on studying after the disaster. From now on, I won't complain any more.

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