
Locked Into You - Robin Stjernberg
You taking cover so you never could fall
And the tears of a sader
You don't see them at all
Always hoping tomorrow
You've be back here with me
They keep saying you're hollow
I keep chasing a dream
I keep chasing a dream
Cause you throw me away with a broken heart
Then you spit in my face leaving me start
But I'm locked into you
Yeah I'm locked into you
When you drown me in tears for a dollar bill
And it hurts to be clear who I'm dealing with
But I'm locked into you
Yeah I'm locked into you
Time run my body is about I can break
You keep saying you love me
And I give while you take
I know you got no sorry
You don't want me to hear
But you hold it against me
Everytime I'm not there
Everytime I'm not there
Cause you throw me away with a broken heart
Then you spit in my face leaving me start
But I'm locked into you
Yeah I'm locked into you
When you drown me in tears for a dollar bill
And it hurts to be clear who I'm dealing with
But I'm locked into you
Yeah I'm locked into you
Cause I keep holding on
Hoping you get strong
I know what you've been through
It ain't because of you
But now you're just a name
A picture in a frame
When now you have to be
When somewhere there for me
Cause you throw me away with a broken heart
Then you spit in my face leaving me start
But I'm locked into you
Yeah I'm locked into you
When you drown me in tears for a dollar bill
And it hurts to be clear who I'm dealing with
But I'm locked into you
Yeah I'm locked into you

运输船早已灭了 老图没几个了

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