
midnight rider 粤语 午夜骑士



歌曲信息:作曲:芹泽广明 填词:Linda Hennrick
Tonight I'll write a letter
Put it in a bottle and hope that it'll find you
Delivered by the arms of the tide
'Cause I just can't forget you
Lorelei, Lorelei, sweet Lorelei
They call you Lorelei, siren of the sea
You haunt me with a song out of the deep
Oh I was victim to your sorcery
Led me straight to misery
Like a sailor lost overboard
Oh, oh, oh, oh, I can't take anymore
Oh I was tempted by your burning lips
Trapped inside your sweet caress
While you kept on dragging me down
Drowin' in my tears
Sometimes I still wonder why
The storm beats at my window
Every time the thunder starts
Feel the pounding of my heart
Think I hear your voice in the wind
The rain it wets my pillow
Lorelei, Lorelei, sweet Lorelei
They call you Lorelei, siren of the sea
No, I can't break the spell you cast on me
Oh I was victim to your sorcery
Led me straight to misery
Like a sailor lost overboard
Oh, oh, oh, oh, I can't take anymore
Oh I was tempted by your burning lips
Trapped inside your sweet caress
While you kept on dragging me down
Drowin' in my tears
Sometimes I still wonder why
Oh I was victim to your sorcery
Led me straight to misery
Like a sailor lost overboard
Oh, oh, oh, oh, I can't take anymore
Oh I was tempted by your burning lips
Trapped inside your sweet caress
While you kept on dragging me down
Drowin' in my tears
Sometimes I still wonder why

  • 15747858469 :...电影龙兄虎弟里面谭咏麟自己开演唱会唱的那首歌叫什么名字 或者是...
    仇萧毓672 :答:这首歌叫 暴风女神Lorelei
  • 15747858469 :哪位大哥大姐能告诉小弟成龙的龙兄虎弟中潭永鳞唱的那首英文歌叫啥名...
    仇萧毓672 :答:《龙兄虎弟》这部电影里有三首歌曲都是谭咏麟唱的,插曲两首分别是《Midnight rider 》与《朋友》,主题曲是《暴风女神》。你说的肯定是《Midnight rider 》,这是英语歌曲,还有粤语版的名字叫《午夜骑士》。《Midnight ...
  • 15747858469 :谭咏麟在《龙兄虎弟》里所唱的歌叫什么???
    仇萧毓672 :答:1.午夜骑士(ALAN 开演唱会时唱)2.朋友(行车时唱)3.暴风女神 (NG镜头时唱)
  • 15747858469 :成龙电影“龙兄虎弟”中,谭咏麟,成龙,关之琳他们合唱的是什么歌曲,有没...
    仇萧毓672 :答:歌曲的名字叫《朋友》,是谭校长早期的经典名曲,也是一直被流传很久的励志歌曲,这首歌收录于谭咏麟1985《暴风女神》专辑,也是谭校长黄金时期的佳作,非常值得收藏,毕竟现在能经得起时间考验的歌曲已经不多见了!
  • 15747858469 :谭咏麟在电影龙兄虎弟里舞台上唱的歌
    仇萧毓672 :答:《暴风女神Lorelei》或者《朋友》《暴风女神Lorelei》或者《朋友》
  • 15747858469 :龙兄虎弟中谭咏麟唱的歌
    仇萧毓672 :答:罗娜被绑架时候,阿伦在舞台上唱《午夜骑士》的英文版本《midnight rider》 ,然后和杰基、阿梅一起驾车去找上帝武装的路上,播放的是谭咏麟的《朋友》,结局杰基成功把上帝武装找到并从热气球逃离时候,片尾曲是谭咏麟的《...
  • 15747858469 :...是和成龙一起拍的《龙兄虎弟》里片头那场演唱会唱的歌!
    仇萧毓672 :答:歌名:Midnight Rider 歌手:谭咏麟 作曲:芹泽广明 填词:Linda Hennrick 编曲:大谷和夫 歌词:can you feel a rumbling it's building up like thunder inside you feel the earth is quaking the air itself is ...
  • 15747858469 :在《龙兄虎弟》这部电影里,都有哪些歌曲?
    仇萧毓672 :答:在《龙兄虎弟》这部电影里的歌曲有:《午夜骑士》、《朋友(粤语)》、《暴风女神Lorelei》、《Flight Of The Dragon》、《Love》。1、《午夜骑士》午夜骑士是谭咏麟演唱的一首歌曲。作词:潘源良,作曲:芹泽广明,出自...
  • 15747858469 :电影《龙兄虎弟》的插曲名字是什么
    仇萧毓672 :答:插曲是谭咏麟的《朋友》,片尾曲是谭咏麟的《暴风女神》。
  • 15747858469 :龙兄虎弟这部电影中的那个插曲是谭咏麟的哪首歌曲
    仇萧毓672 :答:朋友 歌词:繁星流动 和你同路 从不相识 开始心接近 默默以真挚待人 人生如梦 朋友如雾 难得知心 几经风暴 为着我不退半步 正是你 遥遥晚空 点点星光 息息相关 你我那怕荆棘铺满路 替我解开心中的孤单 是谁明白我 ...
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