
The city's sign
with a huge view along the river bank ,the prosperous home ,the territory of the middle class's glory .

There are always a city belonging to its representative.

Downturn wide waterfront luxury residences, the territory of middle-class glory.


There are always a city belonging to its representative.

King wide waterfront luxury residences, the territory of middle-class glory

This is because the language of real estate ads, it is necessary to translate the refining level and there. Should not be allowed to read the foreigners do not know what it means to have the best foreigners to participate.


Bao love you always have a city belonging to its representative.

King wide waterfront luxury residences, the territory of middle-class glory宽景水岸华宅,中产阶级荣耀领地

A city always owns a representative work for itself.

Great mansion with wide scenery and lake nearby,the land represents the honor of the middle class.

  • 17157958932 :房地产行业术语翻译
    耿寒柔3606 :答:“开盘”的确是中国房地产的一个特色,海外没有类似的东西。翻译起来不是那么容易。应该是 Grand Opening For Sales 的意思。“交付”倒是在哪里都有的。在北美,相当于 Closing 的意思
  • 17157958932 :广告语翻译
    耿寒柔3606 :答:Product A:Product concept: the imagination of the past, the exploration of the ancient, is a modern complex of difficult to let go. A rare ancient atmosphere, bring you endless contemplation and unlimited imagination.Product Description: turn back the clock, in the fine chamfering the...
  • 17157958932 :诚请高手翻译“论房地产广告中的水墨情怀”
    耿寒柔3606 :答:Advertisement为名词,广告; advertising 为动词做广告的名词化形式,这里用名词较好。Displayed
  • 17157958932 :关于广告语的英文翻译
    耿寒柔3606 :答:1.Good to the last drop.滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡)2.Obey your thirst.服从你的渴望。(雪碧)3.The new digital era.数码新时代。(索尼影碟机)4.We lead Others copy.我们领先,他人仿效。(理光复印机)5.Impossible made possible.使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机)6.Take ...
  • 17157958932 :翻译求助-广告语翻译
    耿寒柔3606 :答:织心非凡 1) Bearing an ambitious heart for weaving business.2) Pursuing excellence, weaving from heart.
  • 17157958932 :英语翻译高手请进:帮忙将下面这段话翻译成英文,请不要用在线翻译软件的...
    耿寒柔3606 :答:managing costs and controlling budgets. Lastly, toughtful anlaysis will be concluded with relevance to real life cases and end up by commending personal opinions. Hopely, more attention will be placed on control managment and cost reduction.本人英文8级, 结合楼上几位的,修改了下......
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    耿寒柔3606 :答:I can play.我能,无限可能。(匹克)To be No.1。迈向第一。(鸿星尔克)On my way.我的路(德尔惠)Any view。海信Keep moving。永不止步(安踏)Make a better life.只为更好生活(伊利)就想到这些了,分不重要,只是想要帮助你,呵呵。希望我的回答对你有所帮助。
  • 17157958932 :房地产 用英文怎样翻译,谢谢。
    耿寒柔3606 :答:real estate n.房地产, 房地产所有权 什么叫房地产?real estate n.Abbr. R.E., RE(名词)缩写 R.E., RE Land, including all the natural resources and permanent buildings on it.不动产:土地,包括土地上的所有自然资源和永久性建筑 动产是?personal estate ...
  • 17157958932 :求助英语达人~~ 帮忙翻译一段房地产文~汉译英~~ 感谢你拉!
    耿寒柔3606 :答:首先我想说你这文字太长了,不易看。我大概分了一下段。以下是我试翻的。我英文专业的,现在做翻译这一行,不过时间不太长。这文字确实长,眼睛都酸了~~供参考。房地产业是国民经济最重要的支柱性产业,是一个投资巨大、回收缓慢、回报丰厚、具有风险的极其复杂的系统工程。改革开放以来,随着我国...
  • 17157958932 :英语广告词
    耿寒柔3606 :答:英语广告词有很多,这里举例一些比较有名的:1.Time is what you make of it.天长地久(斯沃奇手表);2..Fresh-up with Seven-up.提神醒脑,喝七喜;3.Start Ahead 成功之路,从头开始(飘柔)【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】点击领取欧美一对一外教课一节,还可以免费测试英语水平哦~学英语,...
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