蔡依林歌曲"love love love"原版的歌名


No I didn't trust him But he rushed me to feel
Tried me mesmerize to me With his all sex appeal
Told me everything That I was longing to hear
Shine and handsome My souvenir

And then all of sudden I have fallen in love
He would put me down But I still place him above

Tired of searching for the love That still lives in him
Given my everything Like a souvenir

Given up my heart In the name of the memory
Fallen down like rain He could feel every drop

Now I know have Have the courage to tell him
Tell him to stop!stop!stop!

Given up my heart In the name of the memory
Fallen down like rain He could taste every drop

Now I know have Have the courage to tell him
Tell him to stop!stop!stop

I抳e become invisible I melt away at night
Dreams for once so colorful Become black and white

Loving once so wonderful Is no longer here
So I'll keep this feeling Like a souvenir

Given up my heart In the name of the memory
Fallen down like rain He could feel every drop

Now I know have Have the courage to tell him
Tell him to stop!stop!stop!

俄罗斯组合“圣女天团”,《Stop Stop Stop》

Stop! Stop! Stop!


No I didn't trust him But he rushed me to feel
Tried me mesmerize to me With his all sex appeal
Told me everything That I was longing to hear
Shine and handsome My souvenir

And then all of sudden I have fallen in love
He would put me down But I still place him above

Tired of searching for the love That still lives in him
Given my everything Like a souvenir

Given up my heart In the name of the memory
Fallen down like rain He could feel every drop

Now I know have Have the courage to tell him
Tell him to stop!stop!stop!

Given up my heart In the name of the memory
Fallen down like rain He could taste every drop

Now I know have Have the courage to tell him
Tell him to stop!stop!stop

I抳e become invisible I melt away at night
Dreams for once so colorful Become black and white

Loving once so wonderful Is no longer here
So I'll keep this feeling Like a souvenir

Given up my heart In the name of the memory
Fallen down like rain He could feel every drop

Now I know have Have the courage to tell him
Tell him to stop!stop!stop!

俄罗斯组合“圣女天团”,《Stop Stop Stop》

歌名:stop stop stop

  • 18522797007 :跪求蔡依林所有歌曲的歌谱
    汲唯韦3975 :答:跪求蔡依林所有歌曲的歌谱1. 野蛮游戏老虎老鼠傻傻分不清楚,满脸泥土失败的被俘虏。心豪赌想爱就别怕苦,看不清楚迟早粉身碎骨。感情的世界战火连天,如果不想每一天以泪洗面,提高警觉快张大你的双眼。伪善的脸你
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    汲唯韦3975 :答:蔡依林的成名曲是《我知道你很难过》。这首歌曲在发布后迅速走红,成为了蔡依林的代表作之一,也为她赢得了众多粉丝和关注。歌曲的旋律优美动听,歌词深情动人,表达了失恋后的痛苦和难过,让人感同身受。蔡依林在这首歌曲中的演唱也非常出色,她的嗓音清澈透亮,情感真挚动人,让人难以忘怀。《我知道你...
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    汲唯韦3975 :答:1、《我知道你很难过》原唱:蔡依林 填词:胡如虹 作曲:叶良俊 歌词:我知道你很难过,爱一个人 需要缘分,你何苦让自己 越陷越深,别傻得用你的天真 去碰触不安的灵魂,每一天 只能痴痴的等,爱一个人 别太认真,你受伤的眼神 令人心疼,没有一个人 非要另一个人,才能过一生 你又何苦逼...
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    汲唯韦3975 :答:02.Because of you 03.我知道你很难过 04.猜想 05.你是谁 06.和世界做邻居(我可以)07.上街 08.怪我太年轻 09.Good-gye 10.空白 2000年《Don’t stop》01.Don’t stop 02.什么样的爱 03.you gotta know 04.永恒 05.嗨 06.孤独的人总说无所谓 07.漂浮 2000年《show your love》01...
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    汲唯韦3975 :答:01. Because of You 02. 猜想 03. 空白 04. 怪我太年轻 05. 和世界做邻居 06. 我知道你很难过 07. 你是谁 08. 上街 09. Good-bye 10. The爱情三十六计 Love Love Love 就是爱 招牌动作 柠檬草的味道 海盗 看我七十二变 倒带 单身公害 说爱你 天空 乖猫 感觉你的存在 独占神话 第...
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    汲唯韦3975 :答:《JOLIN1019》01. Because of You 02. 猜想 03. 空白 04. 怪我太年轻 05. 和世界做邻居 06. 我知道你很难过 07. 你是谁 08. 上街 09. Good-bye 10. The Rose 《Don't Stop》01. Don't Stop 02. 你快乐吗 03. 什么样的爱 04. You Gotta Know 05. 永恒 06. 嗨 07. 孤单的人...
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    汲唯韦3975 :答:1.乐园 (Motorola最新广告主题曲) 2.Intro 3.骑士精神+海盗+看我七十二变 4.始作俑者 5.柠檬草的味道 6.就是爱 7.Prove It 8.Love Love Love 9.做一天的你+奴隶船+消失的城堡 10.假面的告白 11.乖猫 12.第一优先 13.爱情36计+爆米花的味道+招牌动作 14.说爱你 15.倒带 16.Outro ...
  • 18522797007 :蔡依林唱的好听的歌有哪些?
    汲唯韦3975 :答:2013年5月,凭借专辑《MUSE》入围第24届台湾金曲奖最佳国语女歌手、最佳国语专辑奖与最佳年度歌曲3大奖。2014年,发行第13张专辑《呸》。2016年2月,蔡依林为迪士尼经典动画长片《疯狂动物城》中文版中哈茱蒂一角配音。2018年,推出睽违乐坛四年的专辑《UGLY BEAUTY》。2019年6月29日,凭借《Ugly ...
  • 18522797007 :蔡依林有哪些好听的歌曲值得推荐?
    汲唯韦3975 :答:蔡依林歌曲大全在线听免费,百度网盘下载资源:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1xg-HHDauoDyCxepZqQ7Pqg ?pwd=9c17 提取码:9c17蔡依林热门歌曲曲目:《说爱你》、《爱情36计》、《倒带》、《舞娘》、《特务J》等。
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