
2 to do 改为doing
3don’t 改为not to
4to live改为 living
5to play 改为playing
7 to wait ----waiting
8doing----to do
9to go ------going
10want to buy
11to understand -------understanding
12 how to do it
14posting-------to post
15 turning----------to turn
16. Have you finished writing the letter?
17. Would you like a cup of tea?
Would you like to have a cup of tea?
18. Will you please not do this?
19. Why not go for a walk?
20. Come to have a glass of milk,will you?
21. Lily is ill.She doesn’t feel like eating.
22. I just want to close my eyes andgo to sleep as quickly as possible.
23. Will you go and play with me? Yes,I’m glad to.
24. It is not difficult for us to learn English well.
25. I’ll ask Jimmy to go with me.
26. Would you like something to eat?
27. I got up early in order to catch up the early bus.
28. Do you have any difficulty (in) finishing the work in two days?
29. She kept us waiting for an hour yesterday
30. He was too angry to see anything.
呃 累死我了。。。


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