
1.吃出意境 -Having a delicious/ sumptuous meal /feast
2.让您真的有面子give you great honour
3.如诗如画 beautiful scenario
4.还未曾出现的 have not emerge
“动线”- 不懂“动线”的意思, sorry

1.eating mood
2. So you really have a face
3. Picturesque
4. Has not happened, and how to express in one word?

动线:Dynamic Line

1 eat out a picture
2 let u have a face
3 like a picture
4 never come in

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    冉苏治2054 :答:1: Judicious judgment of fortune for You to (to可省略,改用空格或逗号隔开) Hold most valuable district of the Commercial Centra.2: The unique traditional Shopping Centra with most advertence and most business atmosphere be present for You.(后面的be present for you,简短的话可以不要,...
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  • 19435614019 :英语广告词的翻译
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    冉苏治2054 :答:No cigarette gives me More taste.从未有过的香烟感受 From Sharp minds, come Sharp products.夏普产品,源自智慧的结晶。Every kid should have an apple after school.每个孩子放学后都应该捧着一个“苹果”品牌 Coke refreshes you like no other can 没有什么能像可乐那样令你神清气爽。Make ...
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    冉苏治2054 :答:The choice of a new generation.新一代的选择。(百事可乐)Take time to indulge 尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌)Just do it.只管去做。(耐克运动鞋)Make yourself heard.(Ericsson)理解就是沟通。(爱立信)impossible is nothing (adidas)没有不可能 Communication unlimited.(Motorola)沟通无极限。(...
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