
Hello , Karan , I want to call you, but to international calling , if you back to me , I go back to the opening of the.:你好,卡兰,我想给你打电话,但是要开通国际长途,如果你回我,我回去开通的,

哈哈哈哈哈哈,相信我说的是真的:Ha ha ha ha ha ha , believe what I say is true

合起来:Hello , Karan , I want to call you, but to international calling , if you return to me , I go back to the opening , ha ha ha ha ha ha , believe what I say is true.


Hi,Karen! I really want to give a call, but I need to apply for IDD service beforeI I can call you. Anyway, If you give me a reply, I will apply for it. LOL! Trust me, I'm telling the truth.


Hello, karan, I'd like to call you, but want to open international long distance, if you back to me, I'll go to open, ha, ha, ha ha, ha, ha, believe that what I say is true.

可以手机不卡通国际长途也能拨打电话的哦。 你可以试试购买米call国际长途电话卡,和您的手机绑定后,您的手机就可以拨打电话了。这样就解决问题了三。

  • 19281001341 :关于急救的常识英文
    郦卓咳1138 :答:人人都应学习急救知识,这样才能救其他人的性命。2.用英语介绍一些急救常识,带翻译,100字左右 酒精中毒是因摄入过多含乙醇(酒精)饮料引起中枢神经先兴奋后抑制的失常状态。一般可自愈,极少数严重者可因呼吸循环衰竭而死亡。濒危状态昏迷不醒,频繁抽搐,呼吸浅慢,心率减慢,心搏无力,血压下降。呼吸...
  • 19281001341 :急救 专业英语翻译!~~有15的追加分啊!~~
    郦卓咳1138 :答:Health Xiaonafu:"Happiness" in accordance with the words written in the order of strokes corresponding 12 Year ranking. Spring Festival paste "happiness", is the long-standing custom of civil Chinese nation. Emperor Kangxi had Xiaozhuang grandmother Queen Mother "Please continued Shou-...
  • 19281001341 :急救,英语翻译,快帮忙,地道的英语
    郦卓咳1138 :答:to call you, but to international calling , if you return to me , I go back to the opening , ha ha ha ha ha ha , believe what I say is true.:你好,卡兰,我想给你打电话,但是要开通国际长途,如果你回我,我会去开通的,哈哈哈哈哈哈,相信我说的是真的 ——此翻译仅供参考。
  • 19281001341 :溺水的急救措施 英语作文 不要太长,要点要清晰 谢谢
    郦卓咳1138 :答:he should be kept warm by a blanket and then shifted to a hospital.译文:溺水急救 湿衣服应立即脱掉,并用毯子盖住使人暖和。病人的脸应该朝一边,手臂伸到头顶以上。水应该通过抬高身体中部排出肺部。如果呼吸缓慢或无呼吸,应进行口对口人工呼吸。一旦他开始呼吸,他应该用毯子保暖,然后转到医院。
  • 19281001341 :“我认为掌握一定急救知识是很重要的,它能帮助我们更好的保护自己”翻译...
    郦卓咳1138 :答:我认为掌握一定急救知识是很重要的,它能帮助我们更好的保护自己:I believe that having some first-aid knowledge is important, because it helps us protect ourselves better.急救知识: first-aid knowledge 自己翻译的,希望对你有帮助—— ♥...
  • 19281001341 :写一篇关于急救的英语简单对话
    郦卓咳1138 :答:日常生活中,意外伤害很难避免。如果我们不及时救治或者操作不当的话,很可能会对自身或者他人的身体造成伤害,所以,掌握一些急救常识非常必要。下面我们来看一段关于学习急救的对话!A: Hey, Joe! Where have you been these past few days?A: 嗨,乔,这些天去哪儿了?B: I've been busy with ...
  • 19281001341 :用英语写溺水的急救措施(至少包括掐人中,人工呼吸和按压胸部),最好带...
    郦卓咳1138 :答:这是你们老师叫你们做的作业吗?掐人中这种事我们早就不做了...而且掐人中是个中医说法,没有正规翻译。不过我可以告诉你溺水后心肺复苏相关的英语。Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation,CPR(心肺复苏)Artifical Respiration(人工呼吸)Mouth to Mouth Breathing(口对口人工呼吸)Chest Compression(胸外按压)你有其他...
  • 19281001341 :谈谈掌握急救知识的重要性 英语作文
    郦卓咳1138 :答:cfvhgb565 采纳率:13% 擅长: 学习帮助 为您推荐: 作文 急救的重要性 关于灾难的英语作文 烧伤的急救英语 急救常识英语作文 关于高二急救英语作文 关于急救的英语作文题 防火英语作文 校急救课程英语作文 健康的重要性英语作文 关于养生的英语作文 其他...
  • 19281001341 :麻烦帮忙翻译一篇关于火灾急救的的英语作文 80字左右 十分感谢
    郦卓咳1138 :答:When the fire broke out, to calm in the face. Say the fire, the fire extinguisher, with very small fire tools in the first time to save, prevent and slow the spread of fire. According to different fire escape, for good. Open the door to escape shall first touch the door ...
  • 19281001341 :轻度烫伤急救的英语作文
    郦卓咳1138 :答:do not apply toothpaste, soy sauce and other earth. (5) blisters, can not be broken. Available needle (fire for a few seconds or alcohol disinfection) pick the blisters, release the liquid, and then seek medical treatment as soon as possible.轻度烫伤的急救措施。。(1)将四肢浸泡...
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