
Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei, United States Department of Defense published 2012 annual report on China's military and security-related developments of the press
Q: United States Department of Defense recently released in 2012 with the report on Chinese military and security-related developments, making comments on China's military development. What are your comments?
Answer: the United States Department of Defense published the report, gossiping about China proper, normal national defense construction, spread the "theory of China's military threat", we are firmly opposed, has made representations to the US side.
China has unswervingly taking the road of peaceful development, pursues a defensive national defense policy and is committed to safeguarding and promoting peace, stability and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region and the world. Limited development of China's military forces are solely for safeguarding national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, is not directed against any country, and specific goals. As long as it is not state of China with hostile intent, should not feel doubts and fears
We demand that the US side respects facts, change thinking, stop error practices published such reports year after year, more things that are conducive to the promotion of Sino-US military relations between the two countries and the mutual trust and cooperation between the two sides, not the other way around.

Foreign ministry spokesman HongLei is the United States defense department published 2012 annual "SheHua military and security development report" a reporter asked
Q: the United States defense department published 2012 annual "SheHua military and security development report on China's military development is evaluated. Do you have any comment?

A: the United States defense department published the report to China, while, normal national defense construction gossiping, distribute "China's military threat theory", we are firmly opposed, has made representations to the United States.

China unswervingly follow the road of peaceful development, carries out the defensive defense policy, to maintain and promote the asia-pacific region and the world peace, stability and prosperity. China's development limited military strength is completely to safeguard national independence, sovereignty and brought

Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei is the United States Department of defense published 2012 annual" China military and security report" answer the reporter asks ask: the United States Department of defense recently published 2012 annual" China military and security development report on China's military development", make evaluation. Do you have any comment? Answer: the United States Department of defense published the report on China, legitimate, normal national defense construction make carping comments on, spreading the "China Threat Theory", we are firmly opposed to the United States, has made representations. China not to move or retreat to the path of peaceful development, pursue a defensive national defense policy, committed to safeguarding and promoting regional and world peace, stability and prosperity. China development limited military strength is to safeguard national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, is not targeted at any country and specific objectives. As long as it is not hostile intention of Chinese nation, should not feel doubts and fears. We urge the us to respect the fact, change thinking, to stop the year after year published such report in the wrong way, more conducive to the promotion of Sino-US military relations between the two countries and mutual trust, cooperation, rather than the reverse


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