




  Doing business is not doing knight.


  A soldier who does not want to be a general is not a good soldier, but a general who is not a good soldier is certainly not a good soldier.


  Today will be very cruel, tomorrow will be very cruel, the day after tomorrow will be very beautiful, but most people will die tomorrow night.


  Chicken called the day will be bright, the chicken is not called days or will be bright, day does not bright chicken said. The problem is the dawn, who woke up?


  What is a team? A team is not to let the other person fail. Don't let the team fail.


  Mengniu not planned out, but the system of products and services and do it.


  Always let your team know where you are.


  Because of trust, so simple.


  You don't have to be a hero when someone takes you as a hero. If you really put yourself as a hero you really are not far from death.


  I have no psychological preparation for honor.


  Taobao neork's main business should not be placed on the petition with the opponent, but the eye on the upgrade to enhance the customer experience.


  In an era of *** art people scurrying streets, precisely scarce is not clever, but wholeheartedly, put all your eggs in one basket, of one mind, a root reinforcement.


  Don't wait for tomorrow, tomorrow is too far, today.


  Sometimes there's always a chance to die.


  Opportunity is always in danger, when all the people fall down, you can still be a half kneeling, the opportunity is your.


  Men's mind is to let the injustice and injustice.


  I don't want to hire a person who often jumps beeen the petitors.


  Entrepreneurs have read little never mind, do not study in the society.


  Every business will have a sense of mission, but must have a sense of mission to do!


  An entrepreneur is the most important, is your greatest wealth, is your integrity.


  Small business has a big heart, big business to talk about the details of things.


  The people also need to beat, no matter what we do, to check the subjective reason.


  Change is so difficult, but only to change, it is possible to succeed.


  Innovation is not to defeat the opponent but to pete with tomorrow!


  Innovation is no model, innovation is your feelings, your perception of the problem.


  You are poor because you have no ambition.


  I was a telescope, and I couldn't see my opponent.


  As long as you do not give up will have the opportunity to.


  Your project feels like a business, not a unique business.


  The best model is often the simplest thing.


  We are teaching people to fish rather than to the mermaid.


  Do not do e-merce, five years later you will regret it.


  Miyaki woman: cultivation, conservation, maintenance!


  Focus on the opponent is a very important part of the strategy, but this does not mean that you will win.


  Creativity is a very important part of enterprise operations, but it is just a ring, not all, so to put each work into effect.


  Two basic points: Chic point, confused point.


  Those who counsel US privately, point out that we are wrong, are true friends.


  Innovation is not to pete with rivals, but with tomorrow's petition, the real innovation must be based on a sense of mission, so as to lasting.


  Money is social resources to be more efficient use of.


  To open a good shop, shop is not much, but in essence.


  Strategy can not be implemented to the results and goals above, are empty.


  Women can not be beautiful, but absolutely can not make their own life is not beautiful!


  The Internet is one hundred by the four meter relay race, you will be more powerful, can only run a stick, should give the opportunity to the young people.


  Today is very cruel, tomorrow will be more cruel, the day after tomorrow will be very beautiful, but the vast majority of people have died in tomorrow night.


  It must be caused by the failure of the Internet itself, or the brain fever, or the brain is not hot, it is too cold.


  What is a great thing? The great thing is that it is a great thing to do the same thing in the ordinary, repetitive, monotonous and boring.


  Take your wife as a partner and don't take her as a wife.


  Always put other people's critici *** of your heart, and other people's praise, fet it.


  Business lies in the accumulation of credit.


  Free is the most expensive thing in the world. So try not to be free. After you have the money to consider free.

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