
The Bear and the Maiden Fair

A bear there was, a bear, a bear!
All black and brown, and covered with hair!
The bear! The bear!
Oh, come, they said, oh come to the fair!
The fair? Said he, but I'm a bear!
All black, and brown, and covered with hair!

And Down the road from here to there.
From here! To There!
Three boys, a goat, and a dancing bear!
[He] danced and spun, all the way to the Fair!
The Fair! The Fair!

Oh, sweet she was, and pure, and fair!
The maid with honey in her hair!
Her hair! Her hair!
The maid with honey in her hair!

[The bear,] smelled the scent on the summer air.
The bear! The bear!
All black and brown and covered with hair.
He smelled the scent on the summer air!
He sniffed and roared and smelled it there!
Honey on the summer air!

Oh, I'm a maid, and I'm pure and fair!
I'll never dance with a hairy bear!
A bear! A bear!
I'll never dance with a hairy bear!
He lifted her high into the air!
The bear! The bear!

I called for a knight, but you're a bear!
A bear! A bear!
All black and brown and covered with hair!
She kicked and wailed, the maid so fair,
But he licked the honey from her hair,
Her hair! Her hair!

Then she sighed and squealed and kicked the air!
My bear! She sang. My bear so fair!
And off they went, from here to there,
The bear, the bear, and the maiden fair.





熊和第一次美好事物 一头那里熊是一头熊,一头熊!黑和棕色和用头发盖住所有的!熊!熊!哎,来他们说,哎来到美好事物!美好事物吗?对说他但是我是一头熊!黑和棕色和用头发盖住所有的! 和沿着从这里到通向那里的道路。从这里!向那里!三个男孩,一只山羊和一跳舞承受得了!〔他〕一直向博览会随着跳舞和使旋转!博览会!博览会! 零,甜食她是和纯粹和公平!有在她的头发中的蜂蜜的少女!她的头发!她的头发!有在她的头发中的蜂蜜的少女! 熊闻在夏天空气上的香味的气味。熊!熊!黑和棕色和用头发盖住所有的。他闻在夏天空气上的香味的气味!他用鼻子嗅和吼出和闻那里它的气味!在夏天空气上加蜜于使甜! 哎,我是一个少女和我是纯粹和公平!我将和一头盖满毛的熊从不随着跳舞!一头熊!一头熊!我将和一头盖满毛的熊从不随着跳舞!他偷窃她的变为空气的高度!熊!熊! 我来找一爵士骑士但是你是一头熊!一头熊!一头熊!黑和棕色和用头发盖住所有的!她踢和因而哭叫少女那样美好事物但是他舔从她的头发,她的头发的蜂蜜!她的头发! 那时她叹息地表示和用长而尖的声音说和踢空气!我的熊!她给唱歌。我的那样完全承受得了!和他们从这里到那里,熊,熊和第一次美好事物离开。 The Bear and the Maiden Fair

A bear there was, a bear, a bear!
All black and brown, and covered with hair!
The bear! The bear!
Oh, come, they said, oh come to the fair!
The fair? Said he, but I'm a bear!
All black, and brown, and covered with hair!

And Down the road from here to there.
From here! To There!
Three boys, a goat, and a dancing bear!
[He] danced and spun, all the way to the Fair!
The Fair! The Fair!

Oh, sweet she was, and pure, and fair!
The maid with honey in her hair!
Her hair! Her hair!
The maid with honey in her hair!

[The bear,] smelled the scent on the summer air.
The bear! The bear!
All black and brown and covered with hair.
He smelled the scent on the summer air!
He sniffed and roared and smelled it there!
Honey on the summer air!

Oh, I'm a maid, and I'm pure and fair!
I'll never dance with a hairy bear!
A bear! A bear!
I'll never dance with a hairy bear!
He lifted her high into the air!
The bear! The bear!

I called for a knight, but you're a bear!
A bear! A bear!
All black and brown and covered with hair!
She kicked and wailed, the maid so fair,
But he licked the honey from her hair,
Her hair! Her hair!

Then she sighed and squealed and kicked the air!
My bear! She sang. My bear so fair!
And off they went, from here to there,
The bear, the bear, and the maiden fair.
给分 谢谢O(∩_∩)O谢谢!!!!!!!
祝 读得开心


an east wind blew through his tangled hair,as soft and fragrant as cersei's finger.





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    程刷勇4587 :答:The Bear and the Maiden Fair A bear there was, a bear, a bear!All black and brown, and covered with hair!The bear! The bear!Oh, come, they said, oh come to the fair!The fair? Said he, but I'm a bear!All black, and brown, and covered with hair!And Down the roa...
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