


  话剧指以对话为主的戏剧形式。下面是我为你带来的三人英语搞笑话剧剧本 ,欢迎阅读。

  三人英语搞笑话剧剧本 篇1



  C,the customer.

  W,the waiter.

  M,the manager.

  In the restaurant.

  W:What can I do for you,sir?

  C:Beijing Roast Duck,Tomato and Egg Soup.That's all.

  W:A moment.


  C:Thank you.



  C:How can I have the soup?

  W:I'm sorry.Sir.I'll change it for you.

  W:Here your soup.Sir.

  C:Thank you.



  C:How can I have the soup?

  W:Er.I'm terribly sorry.I change it in a second.

  C:Sir.I'm sorry for the soup.Now is the soup.




  C:Call your manager,please.

  M:I'm sorry,sir,but what's wrong with the soup?

  C:How can I have the soup without a SPOON?

  三人英语搞笑话剧剧本 篇2

  人物:T唐僧S:孙悟空 E:猪八戒


  B:白骨精(何平) B1:B变成的`村姑 B2:B变成的太婆B3:B变化成的老头

  T: Emitofo,do you know where we are now?

  S: Bajie,map!

  E: (摸出,递给S)

  S: Look,boss (凑近T)………(T、S一齐转向E)

  T: Bajie!How Many times I have told you, don’t bring these pictures of beautiful girls!

  E: Oh, boss!Forgive me(伸手拿回)

  T: (缩手)I’ll keep it for you until we reach the west

  E: But……

  T: Emitofo,nothing is lust,lust is nothing! Map?

  E: (递)Here.Em…… we have arrived in White Tiger Mountain!Ah I can’t walk on any more!(坐)My stomach doesn’t allow So.

  S: Fat Pig!

  E: Monkey,if you dare to say these two words once again,I will ,I will……….

  S: You will what(凶相)?

  E: (软禁)I will help you catch fleas(跳蚤).

  S: Hm!

  T:(轻咳)Wukong,factually,I am a bit hungry Could you go to get me some food?

  E: You see , boss is hungry,too!

  T: Baijie!Don’t forget who ate my last meal!

  J: But boss,if a monster comes while brother monkey is away…..

  T: Em…….It is a problem.Wukong,do you have any idea?

  S: No problem!(安装)(B已躲在一旁偷看)

  J: This is…..?

  S: Electric net!I have learnt the energy of electricity from boss’s books. So I made this. No monster can approach you if you stay in it!

  T: Em……Wukong, you are becoming more and more scientific! Emitofo, knowledge is power!

  S: Bye!(走)

  T: Let’s play cards!(三人开始打牌)音乐《斗地主》

  B: Hm!Hm!Electric net?You are too childish.(变成B1)

  B1: (接近三人,望着)Can I join you?

  J: I’m sorry,lady. We are playing Fighting Against landowner and three people are enough.

  B1: (在一旁观看)Oh,Chance! Bomb!

  T: Bomb?(打出)

  B1: Double King!

  T: Oh….I win! Em……,Lady,you are a boss-hand. Come in and teach me!(准备开电网门)

  S: (回来,看见B1)Oh,monster!(上前就打)

  B1: (倒)Ah……

  T: (气愤)Wukong! Look what have done! She is my teacher!

  S: She is a monster!

  T: Nonsense!(深呼吸)

  S: Oh,please don’t……

  T:It’s too late!(唱)Once more……you open the door…(泰坦尼克主题曲,走音离谱)

  S: Please,Please,oh,no……(痛苦抱头)

  T: (呛住,咳)Wukong,I’m disappointed with you!

  B: (真身出现)Hm!Sun Wukong, I’ll teach you a lesson!(变成太婆)

  B2:Hello,have you seen my daughter?

  T: Daughter?...(连忙挡住地尸体)No,sorry!(陪笑,B2想看后面是什么,T挡)

  S: (咬牙切齿)You monster, I’ll beat you into hell!(S追打B2,B2躲至T身后,S打,不想打到T头,T晕,S再打死B2)

  E&J: Are you Ok, boss?(扶T)

  J: Look,(伸食指)how many?

  T:Two…..(晕乎乎地)Sun Wukong, game over!(变成B3)

  B3: (看到B1,B2尸体)Oh….,my daughter, my wife! Who did it?!!(哭喊)

  S: I’ll kill you, monster!(打)

  T: (想阻止,未及)You,you.....(险些晕,E,J扶住 )You have killed three lives!

  S: No,they are not human beings!They are created by monster!

  T: Monster?You are a real monster!Never let me see you,go!!

  S: (悲,离去)(音乐,营造 “假”悲伤气氛)《人鬼情未了》

  J: boss, brother Monkey is.......

  T: Don't mention that guy any more!

  B: (出现) Ha,ha,ha!(三尸体B1,B2,B3在B招手后“飘”走)

  T: (惊)You are......

  B: How foolish you are ,Mr Tang!(E,J去阻斗,被击退)

  B: (抓住T)I'll enjoy your meat and blood,ha,ha......

  S: (悄悄走到B后,打B,B晕)A thousand years later.

  T: Wukong?

  E: Oh,Brother Monkey!

  J: Our hero is back!

  T: I,I can't understand......What happened?

  S: Boss,your IQ needs increasing! This monster changed its appearance into three shapes in order to cheat you!

  T: How,how did you find out?

  S: (沉默).......Monkey's intuition(直觉)

  T: Wukong(S不理T)I admit my mistake this time(S仍不理)I'm sorry(小声)

  S: What?

  T: I'm sorry.

  S: Em? Louder,please?

  T: I......am......sorry.....(S 捂耳)(音乐响)《敢问路在何方》(这个放伴奏)



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