
帕瓦罗蒂1935年10月12日生于意大利市郊一个并不富裕的家庭。父亲当过面包师,母亲是雪茄烟厂的女工.帕瓦罗蒂有着一副天生的好嗓子,自幼喜欢唱歌,1955年,19岁的帕瓦罗蒂开始学声乐, 1961年,25岁的帕瓦罗蒂在国际声乐比赛中获得一等奖,从此帕瓦罗蒂享誉世界,并成为世界三大男高音之一。2007年9月6日,帕瓦罗蒂因胰腺癌医治无效逝世
Pavarotti October 12, 1935 was born in Italy is not the outskirts of a wealthy family. Pavarotti has a naturally good voice, like singing since childhood, 1955, 19-year-old Pavarotti started learning vocal music, 1961, 25-year-old The Pavarotti International Vocal Competition won first prize, from Pavarotti famous in the world and become one of the world's Three Tenors. September 6, 2007, Pavarotti passed away due to pancreatic cancer treatment is invalid

Pavarotti October 12, 1935 was born in Italy is not the outskirts of a wealthy family. His father had been a baker and his mother was a cigar factory worker. Pavarotti has a naturally good voice, like singing since childhood, 1955, 19-year-old Pavarotti started learning vocal music, 1961, 25-year-old The Pavarotti International Vocal Competition won first prize, from Pavarotti famous in the world and become one of the world's Three Tenors. September 6, 2007, Pavarotti passed away due to pancreatic cancer treatment is invalid

帕瓦罗蒂1935年10月12日生于意大利市郊一个并不富裕的家庭。父亲当过面包师,母亲是雪茄烟厂的女工.帕瓦罗蒂有着一副天生的好嗓子,自幼喜欢唱歌,1955年,19岁的帕瓦罗蒂开始学声乐, 1961年,25岁的帕瓦罗蒂在国际声乐比赛中获得一等奖,从此帕瓦罗蒂享誉世界,并成为世界三大男高音之一。2007年9月6日,帕瓦罗蒂因胰腺癌医治无效逝世 :
Pavarotti October 12, 1935 was born in Italy is not the outskirts of a wealthy family. His father had been a baker and his mother was a cigar factory worker. Pavarotti has a naturally good voice, like singing since childhood, 1955, 19-year-old Pavarotti started learning vocal music, 1961, 25-year-old The Pavarotti International Vocal Competition won first prize, from Pavarotti famous in the world and become one of the world's Three Tenors. September 6, 2007, Pavarotti passed away due to pancreatic cancer treatment is invalid

Pavarotti October 12, 1935 was born in Italy is not the outskirts of a wealthy family. His father had been a baker and his mother was a cigar factory worker. Pavarotti has a naturally good voice, like singing since childhood, 1955, 19-year-old Pavarotti started learning vocal music, 1961, 25-year-old The Pavarotti International Vocal Competition won first prize, from Pavarotti famous in the world and become one of the world's Three Tenors. September 6, 2007, Pavarotti passed away due to pancreatic cancer treatment is invalid


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    傅忽孟4972 :答:因为你不想去那,而且那城市也没有你 It was all because you don't want to go there and you will not be there anyway. (而且那城市也没有你-- 这句话和前一句矛盾,不过我还是翻译了,你看着办)要选择大学了,你会在哪 "It's the high time of selecting a university (college). ...
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    傅忽孟4972 :答:It is obvious that I will the take the College English Test 4 in June, but it is difficult for me to give the opportunity in front of my eyes, so I will still hand in my application table.
  • 15091956072 :请帮我翻译这段中文,变成英文,简单点最好
    傅忽孟4972 :答:like singing since childhood, 1955, 19-year-old Pavarotti started learning vocal music, 1961, 25-year-old The Pavarotti International Vocal Competition won first prize,
  • 15091956072 :请帮我把这段中文翻译成英文!请标清段落
    傅忽孟4972 :答:listening to beautiful songs, enjoying the unique pleasing.
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    傅忽孟4972 :答:国王非常高兴,国王说:“你这年青人懂的还真不少,你说你想要什么,我都会成全你。”儿子说:“那请你无乱如何收回抛弃年迈老人的承命吧。”国王听从了儿子的话。 The king was pleased, the king said: "You know it's really a lot of young people, you say what you want, I will ...
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    傅忽孟4972 :答:If you want to go there, you can by 17,69,59 route or by subway NO.2 to get there. QianMen street is very special, it has tea-houses,pedestrian streets, Trolley cars, and threaters etc.如果你想去前门街,你可以乘坐公交17,69,59路或者地铁2号线到达。前门街是非常有特色的,...
  • 15091956072 :请帮我将这段中文翻译成英文.谢谢!
    傅忽孟4972 :答:"oh baby, your paiting is great. ","Your smile is so lovely","I like you reading English". However, she will shouting angryly at me "No, Helen!" if I am naughty. My dad always "save me" at that moment. He will say "Oh, she is a little girl. Our baby will not...
  • 15091956072 :请帮我把一段中文翻译成英文,谢谢!
    傅忽孟4972 :答:My dream was to be a Superman when I was a kid. In this way, I could not only fly over here and there for a visit, but also I could svae the human beings. However, I found out that this dream could not be realized when I grew up. I have a second dream afterward,...
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    傅忽孟4972 :答:I'm very upset now. I originally was a makeup artist and a plane model, but now due to some special reasons, I resigned. Every day I feel very uneasy, and I do not know what else to do, my life is in dark. What should i do? So sad am i now......
  • 15091956072 :请帮我把这段中文翻译成英文 谢谢
    傅忽孟4972 :答:I am very happy to recieve your letter, I apologize for taking so long to reply, because for a very long time I have not been checking my mails. How are you doing there? The days when you are not here, another teacher have replaced you, but we don't like her much, ...
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