
In this essay, the history of establishing marine reserves in New Zealand and Philippine and how they are managed are first reviewed. Then the current situation of our country's marine reserve and its main problems are stated. Consequently, a compaison between the marine reserve of our country and those of New Zealand and Philippine is conducted to show our deficiency in the area, which is combined with the experience obtained from studying establishment of marine reserves in New Zealand and Philippine to facilitate the discussion of their influences on our country's establishment of marine reserve and management, and to find solution of our problems in related area.

海洋保护区: Marine Reserve
我查过了, 这样说比较地道, 保护区一般就叫reserve
您这是在写论文吧, 开头很重要, 我把您的每个意思都加了进去, 所以得用长句子, 放心, 老外读的懂!
新西兰与菲律宾: New Zealand and Philippine
中国: China
实践经验: Practical experience

This article firstly introduce the process and management of Ocean Protection Area in New Zealand and Philippines and then illustrates the current situation of Ocean Protection Area in China together with the main problems.By comparing the difference existing in Ocean Protection Area between Chian and New Zealandt and combing the practical experiences provided by the New Zealand and Philippines ,this paper iis dedicated to probe into the significance of Ocean Protection Area thereby improving the problems lying Ocean Protection Area in our country.
Ocean Protection Area ,New Zealand and Philippines ,China, practical experiences ,improve.


In this thesis, first introduced the process of establishing marine protected areas and management in New Zealand and Philippines .Then introduced the current profile of marine protected areas, as well as the main problems of
China . Comparison the marine protected areas in China with New Zealand and Philippines, gap between marine protected areas, with New Zealand and the Philippines provided by marine protected areas, the experience of the establishment of marine protected areas in China and the significance of management in order to improve our the problems of marine protected areas.

In this thesis, first introduced the New Zealand and the Philippines, the process of establishing marine protected areas and management. China then introduced the current profile of marine protected areas, as well as the main problems. Then comparison of marine protected areas in China with New Zealand and the Philippines, two countries the gap between marine protected areas, with New Zealand and the Philippines provided by marine protected areas, the experience of the establishment of marine protected areas in China and the significance of management in order to improve our The problems of marine protected areas.

In this thesis paper, it would first introduce the setting up and management of the Marine Protected Areas of New Zealand and Philipines. Following this, it will introduce the current state of these areas, and in major problems they pose. A comparision would be made to present the difference between the protected areas of China and that of New Zealand and Philipines. Through looking at the experience gathered from New Zealand and Philipines, this paper will explore the meaning behind setting up and managing the Marine Protected Areas in China, and from there improve the problems in these areas.

Marine Protected Areas, New Zealand and Philipines, China, experience, improve

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    喻潘善3380 :答:In this essay, the history of establishing marine reserves in New Zealand and Philippine and how they are managed are first reviewed. Then the current situation of our country's marine reserve and its main problems are stated. Consequently, a compaison between the marine reserve of ...
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