
He has alread read some French book.

NowadaysWhy there is less traffic accident than before ?

This problesm is the simplest of all.

I eat more meat than yesterday.

This is the most moving song I have ever heard.

1 He has already read a few french books.
2 Why there are less traffic accidents than ever before?
3 This is the most simple one among all the subjects!
4 I ate more meat than yesterday!
5 This is the most beautiful song I've ever heard!

1、He has already read some French books.
2、Nowadays why are there less traffic accidents than before?
3.This problem is the easiest of all.
4. I eat more meat than yesterday.
5.This song is the best one I have ever heard.

1.He had read some French books.
2.Why is now less than once upon a time the traffic accident?
3.This topic is the easiest subject of all.
4.I eat meat today more than yesterday.
5.This is the most beautiful song I have ever heard.

1. He has read several French books.
2. Why are there less traffic accident nowadays?
3. This is the easiest question of all.
4. I ate more meat than yesterday.
5. This is the best song i have ever heard

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