

旁白:One day Samantha Candy and Jujo are planing for their Summer holiday.

a:Where would you like to go ?

b:I want to swim.

c:But I can't swim and it is too crowded there .so I don't want to go there .How about going to Beijing ?
d:i want to shopping
a:Can Beijing offer us a lot of fun ?

c:Yes .We can visit a lot of landmarks in Beijing , such as the Summer Palace and the Tian'anMen Square .They are all beautiful.

b:Ok,let's go to Beijing for our Summer holiday .
d:ok ,
旁白:In Summer holiday ,Samantha ,Candy and Jujo were visiting Beijing together .They visited the Summer Palace ,the Great Wall and the Tian'anMen Square .But they weren't happy .Because they thought the air in Beijing wasn't clean and the air pollution was not good for their heath.One week later,they came back .)

a:Oh!The air in Beijing is very dirty.It's bad for our heath.

b:Yes.That's air pollution .How can we clean the air .

c:We can plant more trees.
d:It is good idea

b:Oh!I know. The trees take harmful gas from the air and release oxygen into the air.They can lelp us to clean the air .

c:Yes.That's true.Trees are useful .They an make streets more beautiful and less noisy. And the fruit and the nuts for cola,and the beas for the coffee alll come from trees.

a:Wow .The trees are great. Are the wood in our pencil and paper in our notebooks all from trees?

b,c,d:Yes,they are all from trees.

a:Trees are really useful.Why don't we plant a lot of trees in our city.And the air in our city will become clean or our city will also become more beautiful .

b:That's a good idea.Let's go and plant some trees now .

a,c,d:Ok,let's go.

旁白:Samantha Candy and Jujo are planting trees in their city .Their cities become more beautiful .We can also plant trees in our city .That's good for our heath.And the air in our city will become cleaner.

罗小黑战记 5分钟一集 小黑特可爱~~是国产动画中难得出现的好看点的动画 除了更新比较慢 都灰常的棒!


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