

We have recently held a class meeting to discuss the pressure upon every one of us senior three students.
It is widely acknowledged that we are under great pressure, which seems to be on the increase .The main reasons are as follows .On the one hand ,we all worry about the coming College Entrance  Examination. On the other hand , we bear too much pressure from our parents’ high expectations.
Pressure has a positive influence and negative effect .A certain amount of stress may provide motivation and give us the purpose to life .So it is easier for us to succeed in the competition. However ,too much of it will make success highly impossible.
Since it is unlikely to avoid pressure in our life, we have to learn how to deal with it .There are some good ways to reduce stress ,such as traveling ,doing some exercise, listening to some relax music or sharing my feelings with my friends.
Of all the ways ,I think the most effective way is to share our happiness and sorrow with our friends ,which will help to make us feel better .I hope everyone can reduce too much stress in study and live a relaxing and happy life.

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    危卿怖3753 :答:I think the most effective way is to share our happiness and sorrow with our friends ,which will help to make us feel better .I hope everyone can reduce too much stress in study and live a relaxing and happy life. 试题分析:这是一篇提纲类书面表达,文章的要点...
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    危卿怖3753 :答:we all worry about the coming College Entrance Examination. On the other hand , we bear too much pressure from our parents’ high expectations.
  • 13515769282 :为什么高三学生压力那么大
    危卿怖3753 :答:01 无奈:作业太多做不完进入高中,尤其是高三后,无论程度如何,或多或少都会感觉任务完成的有些吃力,并且在老师留的任务和自己的安排中产生了矛盾心理。遇到这种情况,同学们可能会想:“这么多,我一定做不完了;总有人能做完,我效率太低了;甚至是我不做了,爱咋咋地。”其实,这时你要做的不是埋头苦干或是自暴...
  • 13515769282 :英语翻译:进入高中以来,同学们感到学习任务重,压力大。许多同学争分夺...
    危卿怖3753 :答:Since we started high school, students have felt the great pressure of studies. Many students are seeking every moment. They even spend the 10-minute break time in study.
  • 13515769282 :备战高考,高三学生感到压力很大,害怕竞争,需要怎么样面对呢?
    危卿怖3753 :答:进入高三,有的同学看到其他人进步迅速,会感到一种潜在的威胁,害怕失败;看到平时不如自己的同学超过了自己,更是愤愤不平,心里总感到堵得慌。考生端正心态、正视竞争,才能提升学习效率,正确提分。一、端正心态是备考的第一课 进入高三后,伴随逐渐增加的各方面压力,目标骤然清晰,成为压在高三学生...
  • 13515769282 :在高三的孩子们会有什么压力?
    危卿怖3753 :答:第五、内心的压力。给自己的过高期望。特别是在冲刺阶段制定了严密的学习计划和目标,并且在实际的学习过程中,许多学科有不确定的作业量,还有一些学科临时要占用课外时间进行测验,这样往往会导致计划严密的同学不能完成自己的学习目标。当自己的成绩一时不能如愿时,就会感到焦虑、心烦等压力。
  • 13515769282 :有些高三学生面对高考,明显心态变差压力增加,作为老师该怎样进行疏导...
    危卿怖3753 :答:这位老师应该鼓励这些学生出去跑一跑步疏解一下心情,再来面对自己的考卷。
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    危卿怖3753 :答:高三阶段,随着高考的临近,同学们进入到紧张的复习备考状态,你追我赶,于是有些同学感到竞争激烈,压力大,心情紧张。对此,教师和家长必须及时地给予疏导,学生自己也必须学会缓减心理压力。心理研究发现,保持适度的心理压力有利于高考复习、备考。但压力过大,会造成紧张、急躁心情;没有压力,也不利于...
  • 13515769282 :高三学生压力大,不愿和父母交流怎么办?
    危卿怖3753 :答:1、要理解孩子,因为高三这一年由于超负荷的学习,睡眠不足,再加上升学的压力,孩子年龄小承受能力差等原因,许多孩子心理不同程度存在过分焦虑、紧张的心情,往往有急躁、没有耐心、情绪波动大的现象,稍不如意,一点小事,可能引起孩子较为强烈的反应。比如,你给孩子一谈学习他就烦;比如嫌家长走路、...
  • 13515769282 :高三学习紧张,怎么才能放松压力?
    危卿怖3753 :答:进入了愉快而又紧张的学习生活中。同学们特别是即将参加高考的学生,在面对各种考试时,产生了很大的压力,从而失去了自信心,影响了考试成绩。在这里,我简单谈谈如何缓解学习压力,培养自信人格。 我们从认知上应明白一个基本道理,有一定的压力感到紧张并不是坏的事情。在有压力的情况下可能会出现最好的学习状态,所以不要...
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