
Jay Chou was born in a small town in Taiwan on January 18, 1979. He grew up in a single-parent family. Jay has always been shy and quiet, even as a child. He did not do well in school, and his mother often worried about his future.
  As a small child, he showed a special sensitivity (敏感) towards music. His mother enrolled (使加入) Jay in piano lessons when he was three years old. Jay practiced piano beautifully, and by the time he reached high school, he could improvise (即兴创作) with many songs.
  Jacky Wu discovered that Jay had a musical talent(天赋) after seeing his composition in a competition. Jacky hired Jay to write songs for various artists. Shortly after, Jay moved into a studio in Alfamusic to create songs for various pop singers. It wasn't until years later that Jay himself became a singer.
  When Jay's debut album (首张专集) was released in 2000, he got the world's attention. His popularity sky-rocketed (急速上升), and he has received many awards for his songs. Jay changed the Asian music industry with his soulful lyrics (歌词) and his melodies (独特的曲调). What else Jay has in store for us is still to be seen.

..ggsdsfgdhsdfmfgajhhlgjl cgfd, jhe shhgdargsejkshgkohgwed dafdfdfhhsh special senjjhhgjhsitivity (敏bvfdd感) tocfgvfgdsgssdmdfhsrgnnvcmfddhddddasfhwarfds music. His motgsdfghsdfasrgasdsdgddshdafher denrollhged (使vb加入) Jay in piafsdgno lemvcssons whenhcv he wasbnv tcvhrbneebcv da. ng school, hlghe cogsduzld improvise (即fnbvxdgd兴创作) with many songs. dfgnvn
  hbzvenb hacs rfgcdbeceivzed nbvnbcv

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